Name: Andrew Sutherland James Occupation: Kiwi, future ruler of the world, "internet buddy" Residence: Somewhere in Kiwiland. (New Zealand), at a "uni" i've never really heard of, in a town that is the "9th biggest" in all of Kiwiland. Likes: Movies, Francesca, transformers, filling out surveys and sending them to me, Shihad, bad jokes, my brother Dislikes: ICQ, being in another timezone, my lack of a scanner, delays in his plan for world domination, my brother Future prospects: Ruler of the World, world famous indie movie producer, professional sporkist. Not neccessarily in that order. |
A very silly, horribly pixelized version of Andy. Andy version 2.0, if you will. (and I stoled it from his webpage. sorry, dearest.) |
Forgive me Bob, for I have sinned. I have sold my soul to a Kiwi, in exchange for for posession over my favourite continent. (Antarctica, you buffoons...) The sole person I've ever honored and entrusted with my REAL secret identity -- that is, only person that I've never really met, and trusted with my secret identity. He's my only internet-based friendle. Thank god, really, 'cause if anyone else ever turned out to be like him... the world might spontaneously combust or something. Tho I hope it doesn't, 'cause then we wouldn't get to rule it together, and that'd suck. Mostly because I can't think of a better person to take over the planet with then Andy the Kiwi. He is also about 80 trillion times funnier then I will ever be (I know, i know. "Inconveivable!", you're thinking. Well, conceive it. 'Cause he is.) |