to prove that there are others, here is an email i got (name witheld)

Hey Lamia!

I think you should know that there are more Jewel Haters than I thought there was! Your web site was the only anti-jeweler I found, but if you look at, you'll see A LOT of bad reviews of her God Forsaken book of poetry. I wrote a bad review of it myself only last Friday. I also found out that she quoted in Entertainment Weekly that people who didn't like her poetry were shallow!

That just called out for me to respond via review. It also created more bad reviews, because if you look at the recent ones, they're all 1-star! Jewel is NOT full of love and life. She's full of self-glory, money, and conceit. Unlike Jewel lovers, I base my hatred by facts. She gave up training to become an opera singer because she found out it took at least 10 years for anyone to get famous!

So she decided to give it up and try to get fame the lazy way. Then, in an MTV special about famous singers and their finances, she was quoted as saying she didn't care because she had plenty of money. I just want her to lose that plenty as quickly as possible. Nevermind the millions of us out there clawing our way to the top using our blood and guts! She "appreciates her breasts" and uses her blond hair to get up there.

That's what really gets to me. Her shallowness and her larger-than-life ego is obvious in so many ways, but she hides it behind of facade of good intentions. Hey, I may think Mariah Carey is a hooker, but at least she does things for charity! What has that tragic bitch done for anyone?! I make a lousy 8 bucks an hour, and I still find a little money to give to the needy! What the hell does she have to be so proud of, besides her precious breasts. Although to me, they're kind of puny.

That's all I have to say right now. I'm so glad you emailed! I have so much pent up anger towards her! It's nice to find someone who shares my views! Once again, check out the site and look up the reviews of her book, "A Night Without Armor." I like to call it "A Book Without Decent Poetry."

Take care!