*Fan Page for Canada's Best Rock Band*

For over 20 years,  guitarist Brian Smith and singer Ra McGuire have sold out shows of all sizes across Canada with their band, TROOPER.
And they just keep getting better and better.


If you're a Super Duper Trooper fan like I am

Here's the Contest for you!!

I want the new Compilation CD set... you want the new set... ALL the fans I've talked to want the new set! (You know, the one that Trooper and Universal Music started talking about in 1996, details here.) We've all got albums and tapes that are worn thin, and some of the CD's are pretty hard to find. Here we all sit, eagerly waiting to hand over our hard-earned cash, but there's been nothing but delays! Bureaucracy, lawyers, red-tape - what a bunch of crap!  Don't they want our money?!

It's time to

So here's the deal:

Send as many emails as you want from as many accounts as you want. Each copy I receive will be entered in the draw. Sooner or later Universal will have to pay attention.  It's not spam when you're trying to BUY something.

email Universal Music Canada

    If you want to help out, but don't like making waves, you might want to just copy and paste this into an email:
It's polite.  It's subtle.  But hopefully, if they get enough of them, Universal will get the message.

Dear Sir or Madam,

We're writing to request information about the upcoming release of a Compilation CD Set for the group "Trooper".  Please tell us what date the CD sets will be released, and where we'll be able to purchase them as we are most eager to add this to our collection.

Thank you.

Or contact them the old-fashioned way:


2450 Victoria Park Ave., Willowdale, Ontario
M2J 4A2
Phone: (416) 491-3000
FAX: (416) 490-8206


Trooper's Hot Shots - Official Site
Trooper Lyrics Page
All-Music Guide Trooper Info
Pollstar Concert Hotwire Schedule