This is something new. It's pictures of people. Some I know while others, well, I don't. Included with each picture is some kind of description to maybe give you some kind of insight as to the who/what/when/where/why and sometimes how.
Now I know what you are thinking: "You dolt, I can see that these are pictures and captions!"
Well, some of you, and you know who you are, would have asked me about it.
This here's the Verizon Guy. He was made famous by his "Can you hear me now?" commercials, but even he likes to kick back with a cold brewski.
This is Tony. Well, at least he's wearing Tony's uniform. And he is a...ummm...gas station attendant.
Radioshack, Inc. does not discriminate in their hiring policies. Hey, who is that on the poster in the background?
George. Just George.
Please, John, don't keep your feelings bottled up inside. Just go ahead and sing it, "Thunderstruck! Thunderstruck!".
Jay here is one of the brightest young talents of a Fortune 500 company. Here, he is showcasing his talents fiddling with wires.