This page is dedicated to all my friends and family
Hi everyone. Welcome to my webpage. I know, I know, it needs a lot of work. if u have any ideas, please feel free to email me.
Heres some info on me:

Name: Cassandra Jean J.
Birthdate: January 25, 1985
Born in: Culver City, Ca
Lives in: Los Angeles Area
Siblings: 1 younger sister (almost 11, Krystal)
Pets: 1 dog, (pug) 1 turtle, and 4 lizards
Music: Absolutely LOVES HaNsOn!
Hobbies: Swimming, camping, hangin' with friends,
(the friends I have) talking on the phone, going online,
rollerblading, and biking.
Friends: (this is gonna be a long list!)
Zaccy, Allen, Hollie, Jordan, Maggie, Jarrod, Nancie, Sam,
Jilly, Dave, Colby, Adam, Luke, Justin, Erin, Charlyn, Nikki,
Serap, and of course, my sister Krystal.
Well, more info to come!
OK, so heres the pic of me. . . it really sux, but itz the only one i got on the net at the moment, so it'll have to do 4 now. . .
Ok, for those of you who don't know, this pic was taken in Times Square, New York. It was taken on my vacation back east 7-98. Up above is the New York flag.
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