The Doors: the movie
Although somewhat entertaining, I felt this movie made a mockery of The Doors. It portrayed Morrison as a monster and I hold the belief that he was just misunderstood in his time. Its my opinion that he just wanted to shake everything up and make people think about who they are and what they're doing. The movie didn't really show that too much. Coursen was made out to be so helpless but after doing some research, I've come to the conclusion that she was nothing like this character. It was true that she'd become very possessive of Morrison but she also stood up to him in a fight.
Oliver Stone is a brilliant director but the next time he makes a film based on true events, he should get the story down a little better, even if that means cutting some parts out to make the movie shorter.
Despite the inaccuracy of the movie, I still recomend it because as I said before, it is entertaining. However, you should keep in mind that just because you've seen the movie does not mean you know Jim's whole life story.
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