Brief biography of the band as a whole!

Zoil started off 3 years ago with 3 members (Moon, Jennie & Steph) but now consists 4 members (the additional Sarah) where they all currently attend Westlake Girls, North Shore. They have divided up their leadership roles into different areas, naturally. Moon (Marama) does all the musical stuff; Sarah, the organistaion 'freak' who gets in touch with anyone with anything to do with the music industry for gigs etc; Jennie does the early morning "must have practise" calls and Steph, the social co-ordinator. The band, influenced by Veruca Salt and Everclear started off becasue it was something that they always wanted todo on stage with their music, it had something to do with their musical talents and knowledge. The songs: Jay, Darcy, Story of me Life and more; all started off by Moon, who gets a riff going when she writes them. Then the others just pck it up as she plays them and from there on it gets changed and shaped. Songs being  entered into Zoil's last entry for the pepsismokefreerockquest'99 (no worries, they've got other things lined up) are Seeking Mine & Scooby Doos on Drugs . . . to name a few. Their plans for the future are staying in school, moving on to other coemptions, venues & recordings, but most importantly sticking together.

"Rock on with our frocks on!"



(Why they're in Zoil)

Moon is in it for the fame, a true rock star.

Steph (Pistol) is in it for the money.

Sarah is in it for the gigs.

Jennie is in it for the guys (especially the ones with dreads).