Before you enter my site, you must agree to my SMAP (Save My Ass Policy):

 The following pages are of a very odd, and strange nature. The following pages are for fun only. Viewer discretion is advised. I also advise that you keep all hands inside of the page during viewing, keep your trays in their upright and locked positions. Please take note to the exit conveniently located below. Keep out of reach of small children. You must be over 18 to call. We advise that women who are pregnant try not to view this page for it may cause minor birth defects (i.e.. children with personalities.) Lyndee takes no responsibilities for the mental ramifications this page may have. And we strongly urge you to sign the freaking Guest book.  Should, however, you feel a dip into my twisted mindset would be entertaining and a great waste of time.... please, enter. Now if you will please step this way a waiter will be with you shortly....

Get me the hell outta here......