Who is this guy?

To be honest, I have no idea who this guy really is. Below are some rumors I've heard of who he could actually be. Every once in a while I hear a new rumor and if I do I'll add it here.

- name is "Charles Mulholland".
- lead-singer Brandon Boyd's dad, "Chuck Boyd".
- 60's advertisement model for Kool cigarettes.
- advertisement model for Salem cigarettes.
- 70's actor.
- 70's porn star.
- 70's UFO cult member.
- 70's girl's physical-education teacher.
- guy who did voice-overs for 70's sex-education films.
- plays a news reporter in the movie "Predator 2".
- lives in Calabasas, California in the USA and in other countries.
- sometimes is at Incubus concerts in California.