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Standing Outside


from The Islander

While it plagues your life
Somehow man you just have to be a witness
All the time
While there's no control
Your stupid grin and then everything around you
Falls to pieces
And you can't have anything
Everything can have you

Standing outside the light
You can have your dreams as long as they're black and white
Howling at the vacant moon
The wind will drown the singer along with his melancholy tune
Well you can't have everything
Everything can have you

No this is your life
A sinking down and while everything around you
Is so beautiful
You have a nameless rage
A shrinking violet while the people you encounter
Leave you way too soon

Well you can't have everyone
Everyone can have you
Standing outside the square
People come and vanish within your dark despair
Flailing in the crazy wind
You can have your four walls as long as they're paper thin
And I feel like Jimmy Stewart
It's a wonderful life
It's a wonderful life

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