
(Dobbyn / Warren / Guy / Kinney)

from "Cool Bananas" & "Dave Dobbyn Collection"

You're in out- in out- in out- in out- in out
Round in circles- vicious circles round and round
25- 35- 45- 55- 65- 75
Sold to the man in the blue tie- blue tie
I'll have the same please
The same please again

You want repetition
You got repetition
You like your stuff repetitious
You've heard it all before but it's seductive anyway

Alright- alright whaddya gonna do now?
Da da da dance- do that thing- shake it up

25- 35- 45- 55- 65
What's it worth, what's it worth?
Going! Going! Gone!
I'll have the same please
Scratch and try please again

You want repetition
You got repetition
You hold it all before- but it's seductive anyway
You want repetition
You'll like it repetitious
I'll give you recognition
You've heard it all before but it's seductive anyway

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