Bring the House Down


from "Lament for the Numb"

Don't you cut the coolest figure?
Even in your darkest hour
You cut all the way
Then you try hard to be alone
You don't have to try round here
It just doesn't become you
You re-invent yourself
Then you try hard to make it home
You bring the blessed house down
And if everything fails - it fails
You bring the blessed house down
And if everything else fails- you walk
Don't you want to bend my ear?
Especially now you bleed profusely
You cut all the way
When all around is blood and bone
All the doctors cry 'round here
But you feel it doesn't become you
This from an amputee?
Still you try hard to make it home
You bring the blessed house down 
And if everything fails - it fails
You bring the blessed house down
And if everything else fails- you walk
Your wheels are jammed between the cobblestones
 The traffic is light
Pull over! - citizen's arrest!
I can stand to see you like this
Don't you cut the coolest figure? 
Don't you bring the house down
You cut all the way
You cut all the way
You cut all the way

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