Contact Us!

Here's our email addresses. Email us stuff. We need friends. Email us individually or email all of
us at one address. Read the stuff down there to find out what the hell to do. - Email Adam. He's our drummer. He's pretty dumb. Hehe. Yell at him for not coming to practice. This is Alexis Catastrophe. He's a hotty. Email him anything. He likes email. Did I mention that he's a hotty? This is Sammy Chase. He's the only talented guy in the band. You know, the bassist. He scares people. This is Alex. He is really funny. This punk likes to get really fucked up and not come to practice... This is Greg. He plays the trumpet. He is cool. Email him. Yes. This is Monikka. She is really crazy. She sings, dances, and does pretty much whatever she wants. This is Kasey. She is weird, but in a good way. She jumps, kazoos, and does other rad stuff. That's the address where you can send us all stuff. Things like booking info, pictures, thoughts, hate mail, bomb threats. That sort of stuff.