This page is not completed, if anyone has any awards they want to include I will give credit to them by putting their name under the award in BOLD writing. Thank you for anyone who contributes!!
Runner- up: Crispian Mills of Kula Shaker proved himself the numbskull everyone feared when he declared his love of the swastika.
Winner: Kula Shaker. New albums from Kula Shaker is a must have - it will be interesting to see what direction they go in now.
Crispian Mills came 30th in the Bliss Babe poll of 1997. Originally this picture, above, was on a playing card for a babe game or something. On the card it said - Bliss poll position: 30th Looks: 710 Super-pulling powers: 3,200 Global fame: 175 Boyfriend potential: 22 Pecs: 8 Gossip rating: 33