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This Is A Page For Manics Fans!!!

Here you'll find a few pictures, links, and other stuff related to the Manic Street Preachers.

Welcome To Enola/Alone's homepage for fans of the Manic Street Preachers!
The Manics in 1991This page is under construction at the moment (uh, no shit?! - Enola/Alone) but when it's finished it will have various pictures, links to other Manics pages, and stuff related generally to the Manics, including the latest reported sightings of Richey. And I'll soon have a search engine here, too.

I've also got a few images here now (© Nobody in particular) of the Manics both with and without Richey.

Links to other sites on the Web

My Manic Street Preachers Picture Gallery
My Band's (Sylvia Vane) homepage, still under construction
One of my handles, Zoltan, Lord Of Cookies's homepage
Another of my pages, though this one isn't dedicated to the Manics.
Please note the Angelfire server crashed and deleted the entire contents of each file, so any Angelfire page linked here is still under reconstruction.

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