Heim Seminars - interesting
There's lots more out there but I'm too damn lazy to keep pressing control/C controle/V and thinking of things to put next each of them.
Human reason, in one sphere of its cognition, is called upon to consider questions, which it cannot decline, as they are presented by its own nature, but which it cannot answer, as they transcend every faculty of the mind.
It falls into this difficulty without any fault of its own. It begins with principles, which cannot be dispensed with in the field of experience, and the truth and sufficiency of which are, at the same time, insured by experience. With these principles it rises, in obedience to the laws of its own nature, to ever higher and more remote conditions. But it quickly discovers that, in this way, its labours must remain ever incomplete, because new questions never cease to present themselves; and thus it finds itself compelled to have recourse to principles which transcend the region of experience, while they are regarded by common sense without distrust. It thus falls into confusion and contradictions, from which it conjectures the presence of latent errors, which, however, it is unable to discover, because the principles it employs, transcending the limits of experience, cannot be tested by that criterion. The arena of these endless contests is called...
Daniel's Note: Never mind what it's called, it just seems sum up how I think most of the time.
By the way that passage was by Immanual Kant.
"Clear your mind of quesions" Yoda.
Metaphysics is something that I toil on my own time studying it and particpating in it as I would a hobbie. Metaphysics is not something that which you can learn in a practicle research/studying format, it's a continued search for ones self from within. However conversation and exploration of others ideas and thoughts is a key in continually discovering new subjects to think about. Since I am not currently in any school (I work) I try and get in as many conversations about the mind, logic, reason and rational thought as often as I can. However it's a hard task finding people that are willing and enjoy these discoveries as much as I do.
I also beleive in knowledge as not an end, but rather a means. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge just becomes tiering and frustrating because there's too much of it. That's why I learn what is relevant to my purpose (hypothisis if you will)
I think about my mind and with my mind as a scientist would of the natural world. Unlike many people who tend to veiw the mind phycologically. Rather than using other case studies, past experiences and statistics, or looking to other's to learn bout my own condition such as what a phycologist would do. I start my quest for my own mind with a hypothosis (ie. principles based on logic, reason and rational thought) and then start a series of various thinking experiments to discover if these do infact exist for me, and what they might be. Not only do I use this scientific method of the mind on ethical issues, I use it on other situations about myself. Such as self-confidence, other people and even personal and social situations I get into. However it does normally come back to an ethical question.
If you want to understand more about what I'm saying here or don't understand and would like to a little more click here for an actual dialogues between me and a friend I met on ICQ. I started to explain basically what I am explaining here, but because she could ask questions and dispute what I was saying if she didn't agree or understand, she did. Just like you may be wanting to do right now. I hope she asked some of the questions you want to ask so maybe it it will become a little more clear.
I've only added this "scientific" aproach to thinking to make my point. But to say that it actually is thinking to find a hypothosis like science, is not my point. It's merely an analogy.
Human kind in all it's self consoiusness has one major underlining aspect of it's phych that if rectofied, that is eliminated, would lauch human kind on a giant exploration of the univers and cosmos alike. All human kind have to do is explain the nature of there own.
The nature of there own I use this to refer to an enlightened state that glorifies the search of one's being and existence in a non-fragmented un-directional way, as to find and discover the basic oneness in all.
The nature of their own is, I beleive, is what in more popular terms is called science. Ownly the latter being a wall of discolser to hide the oneness and reality of what we are, one that we are so afraid of. Thusly putting a lable to it and escaping it's true purpouse.
As we do with sexual organs. DICK COCK CUNT QUAT HOOTERS TITTIES ANAL RECTAL such terms are walls aswell just like scienes is of the reality of one's own. Understand? No...neither do I.
, I've learned, that some people have discovered that insects have close to 20000 sensors apart of their systems in order for it to fucktion properly. A human made robot is composed of around 100 and at that many can come close to killing you. This raises the question of, if a robot has a least 20000 sensors, that is if we build it such, would then be a human representation of what a life size insect would be when turned on. TURNED ON! Don't be fooled by it's intensly horror movieifick feel, this is based on fact and would be indeed worse. As a robot and computer do, they are programed for purpous such ass add subtrack, so too we now assume ants are, they have purpous, that you cannot denie for human nature in general, or in wide beleif, belevie that their is a purpous. We then addmit that there is a over almost eeire similarity of technology and humans, us and them. We both have a purpose, something we as humans are contiually trying to express where insects seem to give two shits. But we do have that similairity, and for us , as humans, to spend so much time attempting to find this meaning we do something that in our nature and thusly geared toward our purpose, which we still havn't explained where this comes from. Our purpose. Where would this come from? Here's that seemingly philosophically week analogy again...if humans program purpouses into computers and robots, who programed them into us?
Lets continue...
I've been reading quite dilegently on the subject of mind/body along with the concepts of Being and Time along with an increased interest in logic and meta-mathematics. If you're tired of my some what less than expert ideas, try reading these two books Godel's Proof and Godel, Escher, Bach. I found these books at my local library and seemed to me to be eeirily connected to the concepts that I had thought I was creating myself. I'm beginning to think there isn't an original idea in my head.
Kurt Godel was a logician/philosopher/scientist in the early part of this century who's discoveries, along with those of his good freind Einstein's, are more than likely the ones to be remembered 1000 years from now. They've changed our society so much.
His work delt mainly with what could be called "the limits of logic". That there will always be questions posed from within a system that are impossible to solve without resorting to elements of a higher system (hence the term I refered to before, meta-mathematics). This is called "Godel's Incompleteness Theorum". Math is incomplete, and so is any other conceivable logical system.
Meta-mathematics, is simply put, talking about mathematics. Or looking at math from a higher level to explore and discover what it is exactly to compute (I hope this is all coming together). If this is sparking your interest by all means pick up those too books. Other inteseting related topics could be Set Theory, Chaos Theory, and the various research topics in artificial intellegence. All nicely touched on in those two books. But further reading is always recommended.
Kurt Godel's life was stricken with mental illness and paranoid delusions. Some say it was caused by his discoveries. He had some pretty fantastic ideas on the paranormal and beleived that the study of such entities was the future of science. More likely because his therum says so, that there will always be questions posed that are unanswerable.
If you can't see the humour in all this, turn
off your TV...