Dedicated to 50's and 60s's Rock and Roll Oldies

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Attention all 50's and 60s's Rock and Roll Oldies fans!

The Rock and Roll Oldies Club of the Carolinas (R.R.O.C.C.) recently inducted it's charter members into the Carolina's Hall of Fame. The first honored inductees are Bill Pickney (The Original Drifters) and Maurice Williams (Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs).

The Hall of Fame was established to honor great artists from the Carolinas. A club drive is also underway to secure induction into the Cleveland, Ohio-based Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

The club, headquartered in Charlotte, NC, meets the third-Monday of every month at Boppers Bar and Boogie on Albemarle Rd. near Sharon Amity.

Members of the club attend concerts as a group, dance, sing, swap music, conduct trivia contests and just plain enjoy listening to the Oldies. A newsletter is printed monthly and contains information about club events, trivia quizes, interviews with artists, stories and photos.

Come back often and read our newsletters to see what is happening on the Oldies scene in the Carolinas, as well as the country.

For more information about the club, its activities and its newsletters, call Jim at (704)537-4904 or Chris at (704)377-0700.

To Join P.O.O.L. Press Here

Here's a list of links I've found dedicated to the Oldies. I'll add new links as soon as I can find and post them. If you would like me to add a link to your page, please e mail me.

The Wax Museum: If you can't find your Oldies here, you really might be out of luck.
Betty's Bungalow: Shag: The most popular dance in the Carolinas.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame: The place to visit for 50s & 60s fans.
Remember When: A nostalgic look at the "Good Old Days."
Oldies Music: An interesting oldies collection!
Golden Oldies: The music of the 50's, 60's and 70's holds a special memory for those of us who grew up with it. Here's a place for all of us who treasure the Golden Oldies.
WhirlinDisc: Oldies haven on Long Island

Please. . .
If you have thoughts, ideals or ideas to add -- or if you just want to discuss anything, send me a quick message!
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