Latest News from the Garden
-Some of our more observant readers might have noticed that we no longer claim to be "official" and such. Indeed, our dear fellows at Tetragrammaton have decided to make a homepage of their own with far better resources than what is available to us.
-Symbolism Alive, which is, naturally, a live album, is now available.
-Garden of Delight is currently touring Europe, and come the end of this summer, and will also tour England . In fact, here are the tour dates:
3/19 Paris - La Locomotive
5/5 Barcelona - Zeleste
5/6 Madrid - Festival
5/9 Henegelo - Metropool
5/10 Gavere - Racing
5/14 Bochum - Zeche
5/16 Hamburg - Tonwerk
5/17 Leipzig - Werk II
(last concert in Germany)
7/11 Burgdorf - Theater Cabavari
7/ 13 - Open Air Festival
(live over the Internet)
10/25 London - Astoria t.b.c.
10/27 Derby - Carnival of Souls
(last and final concert)
It's official - Garden of Delight are not breaking up - well, not yet, at least. After discovering from Dion Fortune that they will at least be around until 1998, I also learned there will be two new albums to be released by the Garden before it's all through.
The first of these was supposed to be relased in March - it is entitled Symbolism Alive, a live album recorded during their last tour. The second, to be released probably in 1998 is Paradise, the final album by Garden of Delight.
As of yet, no word from Artaud about whether or not he will be doing any music after the Garden is finished with its seven-album cycle.
New News!!! A new tour date will soon be added in Germany sometime in October! Expect Sheoul to post this date as soon as it as given to us!
Lastly, Zillo Magazine apparently has the exclusive rights to the last ever Gadren of Delight interview, so unless they change their mind, it won't be found here.
News on Scheoul (webpage updates):
5/2/97 - Birth of Scheoul.
5/3/97 - Added compilation tracks to the page, also perhaps will place the page on the web for all to see . . well, those who happen upon it. Also start of Diary of Dreams page, and Links page.
5/8/97 - Added a plethora of GIFS to these pages. Please excuse the qualities of some for now - Photoshop is not working. . . also got in touch with Dion Fortune today (huzzah!), so it's been a pretty good day.
5/15/97 - Begun reworking of page - new GIFs, new graphics to be added. Received infromation packet from Dion Fortune (thanks!!) as well. Soon, there will be several new things to be found here, such as an interview, as well as information on Tetragrammaton, the Society for Cthulu Research.
5/16/97 - Scheoul is now the Official Garden website - thank you Dion Fortune - now only if we can get some feedback from the band themselves . . .
6/21/97 - Many new updates in last month, including new graphic layout, a more complete discography, as well as a guestbook.