I'm sorry this is so basic and not detailed like my DM list, but i just started collecting bootlegs of these 2 bands. When my list builds I will make it better. In the meantime, if you want to see reviews for these shows, here are links for each band:

U2 Bootleg Reviews
The Cure Bootleg Reviews


Play For Today '80 (Very good Soundboard)
Japan '84 (Perfect Soundboard)
Stained Glass Smile 85-87 (Perfect Soundboard)
Sweet Talking Guy '86 (perfect soundboard)
Haunted House '87 (Excellent Soundboard)
Sweet Torture '87 (Excellent Soundboard)
Difficult to Cure '87 (Excellent Soundboard)
Hot Hot Hot Torino 89 (excellent audience)
Full Moon Concert Leysin 90 (very good-excellent soundboard)
Never Enough 90 (perfect soundboard)
Alive and Well '91 (excellent soundboard)
And Dreams Come True in 92 London (good soundboard)
St Louis 92 (???? could be either audience or soundboard)
Paris '96 (excellent soundboard)
Vienna 2000 (excellent soundboard)


Adelaide Proshot '93 Zoo TV (very good - excellent quality)
Johannesburg Proshot '98 Popmart (very good - excellent)
Popmart Mexico (Official)
ZOO TV Sydney (Official)
Rattle and Hum (Official DVD)
Red Rocks 83 (Official)

Chicago 85 (very good soundboard I believe)
Joshua Tree in Syracuse '87 (Poor Soundboard)
Mountains and Deserts Denver '87 (Excellent Soundboard)
Adelaide '89 (good soundboard)
DC '92 (Excellent Soundboard)
Dublin 8-27-93 RARE RARE!!! (Excellent Audience)
Zooropa '93 Dublin 8-28-93 (Perfect Soundboard)
Zoomerang Adelaide (EXCELLENT Soundboard, Bono sounds like an angel)
Sydney In Flames Sydney '93 (Taken From Laserdisc, very good-excellent soundboard)
Israel 97 (Perfect soundboard, someone at the concert supposedly plugged his laptop into the mixing desk and bootlegged this show, awesome sound, and the band sounds excellent, Bono's voice is very smooth and crisp at this show, unlike other shows where its rough like Sarajevo and Nuremburg)
Ft. Lauderdale 3/24/01 SOUNDBOARD - very good soudning soundboard recording, this is the first show of the elevation tour.
Chicago 5/15/01 SOUNDBOARD - This could be an ALD recording, but whatever it is, an excellent sounding recording, as good as any soundboard.
Buffalo 5/31/01 SOUNDBOARD - Doesnt sound as good as the Chicago show, but soundboard none the less, this is also probably an ALD recording.