Virgil Weber (keyboards)

First I know about him is when he joined the band Climax, formed in LA by singer Sonny Geraci in 1971:

Sonny Geraci (vocals)
Walter Nims (guitar)
Steve York (bass)
Virgil Weber (keyboards)
Robert Neilson (drums)
They had a big hit in US charts in 1972 with the song 'Precious and few'. But, after a self-titled album, Climax, the original lineup parted ways. Virgil joined a legendary band, Grass Roots: Rob Grill (vocals, bass)
Warren Entner (vocals, guitar, keyboards, vocals)
Reed Kailing (guitar)
Virgil Weber (keyboards)
Joel Larson (drums)
They recorded two albums, Move along and Alotta mileage. Virgil left the band in 1974.

Some years later, he joined Donna Summer band. He appears in the 2LP live album Live and more (it also contains a studio side, though).

Later, he went to play with Laura Branigan band. Help with info!

Virgil has worked with many artists along the years: Formula Four, Hamilton Joe Frank and Reynolds, among others.

Virgil Weber is currently playing in a band called American Rock All Stars, comprising veteran musicians:

Drake Levin (vocals, guitar)
Marty Grebb ()
Phil Volk ()
Keith Allison ()
Virgil Weber (keyboards)
Joel Larson (drums)

Albums with Climax:

Albums with Grass Roots: Albums with Donna Summer:  

Related links:

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Page created by Miguel Terol on: 24/October/2000. Last modified on: 24/October/2000.
(This page is part of The Musicians' Olympus) 1