The Man Not A Myth

DJ    is    DeaD

Sup everyone, xX_KonFusHuN_Xx in da houze, AKA djcyberboy_. Yeah, well, the dj nic is dead, so RIP dj!! Now it's tha Y2K and its time for me to come up, YEAH!

Name: Chris

Alias Web Nics: Too many to name. Some of the most memorable nics have been djcyberboy, FuNkSouL_BroTHa, The_Relic, Son_of_Gumby, and lordofcyberland...

Age: 25

Hometown: Houston TX

Marital Status: Divorced

Intrests: Listening to music, using my Webtv™, going out, playin' gamez on mah N64™, watchin' moviez, and just bein' with a girl.....=-)

I've been on tha webbie for a little over a year. Before all this, i wuz runnin' tha streets all tha time, and alwayz gettin' into shyt. It wasn't until 97' that I gave up all that thuggin' azz bullshyt, and started makin' a change in mah life. I had crossed many roads, but never like tha ones before that summer of 97'. After that, I felt like all I could do wuz try to come up....and I did..... I was introduced to a new group of peepz, and from there, history was made. I started gettin' into tha Underground Dance scene. I was so influenced by this shyt, that it became mah life. I loved everything about it, and what it did for me. Now, that doesn't mean i never went back to mah roots, cuz I did. I'd still go out and mess around with tha girl'z, but to me, the musik wuz all I needed. These dayz, I don't frequent tha clubz or raves like I used to, but I still enjoy the musik, and the scene. Now I find mahself looking for tha special woman who i didn't want then. (go figure, huh?) Well, enough of the BS, lets get to the good shyt!

NoW Ya KnoW WhaT I FuqiN' LooK LiKe...

*All highlighted names lead to webpages or picz*
(if ya wanna be added, let me know in the guestbook)

Much Love and Thanks to~

A Very Special Thanks Goes Out To~

Shoutoutz and Propz Goe'z Out To~

All Ya'll betta sign mah damn books below!!.....LoL
Yo, if u weren't mentioned......sorry!! They're Fuqin' bad ass! This place has got some kick ass fonts.

Draac's Gifs123: Find gifs and backgrounds here.

Ruthless IRCs: connect to Talkcity from here. Learn just how interactive Webtv can be, from this place.

Hyperreal: Listen to DJ sets, learn about tha rave scene, and everything ya wanted to know about drugz.....LoL

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SiGn Mah DaMn G~BooK~†~VieW MaH DaMn G~BooK

SiGn MaH DaMn SlaMBooK~†~VieW MaH DaMn SlaMBooK
audio for button (1)

.•°*~Hear MY Voice~*°•.
like the banner'z i made? email me, and maybe ill make some for ya....

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