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Hello everyone. Just a little bit about myself.  My name is Sarah.  I was born on October 8, 1981.  Went to a Catholic school during my elemetary days, and went to a Catholic high school, hence the name, The Catholic High School of Baltimore.  I am currently enrolled in a Community College and my major is music, (for now.)  I enjoy writing, singing, dancing, VOLLEYBALL and of course, running.  For the past year, I was currently working at Walt Disney World as a attractions host, Outdoor foods host, and Quick service host.
My best friend is Amy.  I have known her my entire life.  She has been with me ever since the 1st grade, but then she went away to college.  I miss her very much and hope that all works out for her!!!

I am adopted.  I have a mother whose family is from Poland.  A father whose family is from all around.  3 Older brothers: age ranges, 21, 23, 25.  One is married and the other one should be getting married.. but that's another story for a different time.   And 2 dogs.  One is a mutt, and one is a dalmation. 
My brother Jonathan was also on the college program during the spring of 2000. We did talk and see each other, but very rarely, and go figure, he was in the building right next to mine.  But he worked evenings and I worked in the mornings.  Here is his website:

My other best friend is Tina. She is currently in Florida right now basking in the sun and shining her new cowboy boots at GMR! ;o)  I miss her terribly and hope that one day, we can be roommates again!!
How fun would it be to go to Lulu's... sorry, I don't have a cool bra!!! ;o)
For the past year, I was in Florida.  My hobbies and interests changed over that past year.  When I was down in Florida, I ran a lot, played beach volleyball, and went outside to tan.  I didn't really go anywhere that wasn't disney property, but I did go to Cocoa Beach and had fun raiding the Ron Jon's Surf Store.  I love boardshorts, long sleeved tees and anything from PacSun.
See my other pages:
Page one
: my music page
~don't forget to check out all of the artist pages like SheDaisy or N'SYNC
Page tw
o: my Disney page
epcot, mgm, magic kingdom, animal kingdom
Page thr
ee: my dedication to you   all who have touched my life.
Page four
: my jokes and poems
Page fiv
e: any questions you need to know about me
Page si
x: the photos have arrived
DF gang - spring 2000
Tina and com
p. - spring 2000
Some more phot
os - spring 2000
Star Tou
rs - Fall 2000
DF - Summer/Fall 2000
Millenium Villa
ge - Fall 2000
More Photos with my friends from m
y WHOLE time... spring summer fall
Me, AMY, Carey, Carmen, Tracie, Kenna
Bonnie, Jen, Clare, Katie
A Capella - Class of '99
My best friend, Amy
Here we have me and Tina in our costumes!
Here are some of my friends links: -Ben Reed -
Amy Walker
http;// -
Tammy Luke -
Jen Manley -
Jim Pham - Patrick Livingston -
Tammy Luke
My Senior year A Capella Group '99
Spring '99 Concert