
(also take a look at the Articles that I have links to)

Bob Geldof Homepage
Includes a Bob Geldof chat room among many other things!

Mercury Records

Bob Geldof Message board

Movies he has appeared in
Subscribe to Bob Geldof:
Click here for free customized e-mails with news, concert dates and more.

Astrological Profile for Bob Geldof!

Bob's Birthday:
May 16, 1951(?)

Another Bob Geldof Birthday site...
this one says October 5th, 1954.

How to Contact Bob Geldof (apparently - I have yet to try it)

There are some nice pictures on this website, but it is not in English

Live Aid 1985

Live Aid 1995

Live Aid
Copyright 1989, 1995 Adam Stanley

Boomtown Rats Site

R.O.C. Linkbase - Boomtown Rats - Boomtown Rats

Concert Photography

Superstars to Statespersons

John Moore's Live Aid Page

The Happy Fan Club
The Italian Bob Geldof Fan Club.
They have an english version available of their quarterly newsletter.

Italian Fanzine

Bob Geldof.
Boomtown Rats.
Music Gallery.

Bob Geldof's Speech
Light the Flame Rally
December 2nd, 2000

Music downloads

Chords from The Great Song of Indifference

MTV site

A very comprehensive webpage on Bob at the Rollingstone website

Learning Center Home

A Greek Bob Geldof Article... not translated into English so far as I could tell


Bob Geldof Quotations

You make scrooge look like Bob Geldof!
Who ever thought there would be a connection between Alf and Bob....