Welcome to Ginger's Venue
Hello! I'm Ginger, and I'm pleased to welcome you to my site. Unfortunately, my page's expansion has reached a semi-permanent hiatus, as my studies at Queen's University in Kingston have officially claimed all my free time as their own. Apologies for the dead links, but they will have to remain as such until my profs decide to give me a break. The GBS info I've managed to include will have to suffice for now; I hope to complete it and create a section on life at Queen's and on Morris 2 in the near future, so check back. If there's something you'd really like to see up or think I'd like to know, feel free to e-mail me at the address below with any requests or suggestions. Enjoy your stay at Ginger's Venue... Chagheill!
Lyrics and info about one of Canada's greatest, biggest hidden treasures, Great Big Sea of Newfoundland.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Lyric Corrections? Requests? Feel free to e-mail me!