January 7, 2004: The Liquid Lounge/Dallas Aug 21, 2004: Cool Beans/Denton w/ Bjorn Kirby
January 11, 2004: The Galaxy Club/Dallas
Aug 28, 2004: Rubber Gloves w/ Black Cock(austin), The Wee Beasties
January 22, 2004: The Doublewide/Dallas as The Misfits w/Guns N Roses
Sept 11, 2004: The Big Getdown II on Fry Street in Denton
January 23,2004: Rubber Gloves/Denton w/ Lyra/Zest of Yore
Oct 2, 2004: Wreck Room in Ft. Worth w/ Cadillac to Mexico
February 14, 2004: TJ's/Denton as The Misfits w/The Ramones
Oct 14, 2004: Scaregrounds in Dallas w/ Fra Pandolf
February 19, 2004: Rubber Gloves/Denton (Acoustic Death Lounge Show)w/ Warren Jackson Hearne.
Oct 22, 2004: 1919 Hemphill in Ft. Worth w/ Fra Pandolf
Oct 29, 2004: Wreck Room in Ft. Worth w/ The Fabulous Badasses
February 20, 2004: 66 Bowl/Oklahoma City w/Jetscreamer
Oct 30, 2004: Dan's Silverleaf as SPINAL TAP
February 24, 2004: Rubber Gloves/Denton w/ Camaro Hair (Portland) & Extra Blue Kind (Indianapolis)
November 10, 2004: Rubber Gloves w/ The Murder Junkies, Slaughterhorse and Jiz and The Jerkoffs
February 29, 2004: Jordan Miller Benefit and motorcycle race/Nocona, Tx
March 6, 2004: The Doublewide/Dallas w/ Urine Trouble
March 27, 2004: Wake Up '04/Denton
April 16, 2004: J&J's/Denton (Acoustic) w/ Gaah(n)
April 17, 2004: Fry Street Fair/Deep Ellum/ Curtain Club 7:45
April 22, 2004: Rubber Gloves/Denton/ w Fabulous Badasses, Taco Face, McNasty, Prince William
May 7, 2004: Rubber Gloves/Denton/ w The Chop Sakis,  Sleezus Fist and the Latter Day Taints & The Wee Beasties
May 8, 2004: Zombie graduation/Denton w/ Warren Jackson Hearne and the Merry Mudre of Gloomadeers
May 31, 2004: WULF TRAAP at Mables in Denton
June 4, 2004: Wreck Room/Ft. Worth/ w Black Belt Jones,
June 10, 2004: Doublewide/Dallas
June 25, 2004: Rubber Gloves/Denton w/ Cadillac to Mexico, Blackbelt Jones
June 26, 2004: Cohesion blowout at Rubber Gloves. 4pm (WULF TRAAP), 11pm (Acoustic Mugzu)
July 31, 2004: Cool Beans/Denton w/ Hogpig, Show is a Rainbow