Hullo and welcome to my webpage! This page is specifically to cheer up even the saddest of faces. Trust me, it works! I should know (what?? I had to test it out a few times!) All you have to do is slowly scroll down, and I promise that by the time you reach the end, you will be smiling like an idiot! Have fun, I know I have! It may take a bit to load, but it is so worth it, beleive me. Oh and uh... hope you like Orlando Bloom, =).

*Side-note* May not work on the opposite sex
Feeling slightly annoyed lately?
How about a little stressed?
Not quite ready to take on the world?
Maybe even hiding from your problems?? *GASP*
Well fear no more! Just turn that frown upside down...
Go out and have fun with your friends!
Heck... go crazy and maybe even laugh a little!
But most importantly... you've just got to SMILE!
Now come on, admit it... you smiled at least once while looking at these pictures. If not, you either have no idea who Orlando is or why I was made this strange little page, or you have a heart of stone. But, if they did, and I brightened someone's day (or perhaps Orli did...) then my mission here is accomplished. Hope you enjoyed it!

I know you're asking yourself, "What do I do now that all the fun is over?". Just do what I do, go back to the top and start again =D. I suppose this is goodbye, but if you just can't stand to leave without talking to the hillarious yet strangely genius creator of this magnificent page,
EMAIL ME and tell me what you thought. I promise I won't bite! Then, if you still haven't gotten enough of me (doncha just love me?) you can visit my real homepage (which is currently under construction, bear with me!) to learn all about my oh-so-interesting life (note sarcasm). Oh and don't forget, if you don't want to EMAIL ME, you can always leave a message in my brand new guestbook!
... awesome people have visited my page so far... now I KNOW we can do better than that!
Page last updated on May 26th, 2002 - 4:45 pm
ThE eNd
EMAIL ME in case you missed the two very obvious links in that big paragraph up there =).

MY HOMEPAGE in case you missed the very obvious link in that big paragraph up there =), hehe
Please sign! Pleeeeeease? I NEED you to sign!!! PLE- *ahem* ... uh... carry on =).
Perhaps a bit sleepy??