45 giri - (7")

Questa č la lista (spero il pių completa possibile) dei 45 giri di Peter Gabriel.

I 45 giri in mio possesso sono quelli con l'asterisco e che dopo aver cliccato sul Link mostrano la foto della copertina.

Solsbury hill / Moribund the burgemeister - Charisma (UK) - Different p/s

Solsbury hill / Moribund the burgemeister - Charisma (GER) - Different p/s

Solsbury hill / Moribund the burgemeister - Charisma (NL) - Different p/s

Solsbury hill / Moribund the burgemeister - Charisma (PORT) - Different p/s

Solsbury hill / Moribund the burgemeister - Charisma (SPA) - Different p/s

Solsbury hill / Games without frontiers - Old gold series

Solsbury hill (live) - Flexy disc - Charisma

Solsbury hill / Shaking the tree - Virgin

Modern love / Slowburn - Charisma

Modern love / Slowburn - Charisma (GER) - Different p/s

D.I.Y. / Perspective - Charisma

D.I.Y. (remix) / Mother of violence / Teddy bear - Charisma

Games without frontiers / The start / I don't remember - Charisma

Games without frontiers / Lead a normal life - Mercury *

No self control / Lead a normal life - Charisma *

Biko / Shosholoza / Jetz kommt die flut - Charisma (UK)

Biko / Shosholoza / Jetz kommt die flut - Promo - Charisma (UK)

Shock the monkey / Soft dog - Charisma

Shock den affen / Soft dog - Charisma (GER)

Shock the monkey (PDK) / Soft dog - Charisma *

I have the touch / Across the river - Charisma (UK)

I don't remember (live) / Solsbury hill (live) - Charisma (UK)

I don't remember (live) / Kiss of life (live) - Charisma (NL)

I go swimming (live) / Solsbury hill (live) - Charisma (SPA)

Walk through the fire / The race - Virgin *

Sledgehammer / Don't break this rhythm - Virgin

Don't give up / In your eyes (special-mix) - Virgin

Don't give up / In your eyes (special-mix) - Virgin - Poster sleeve

Big time / Curtains - Virgin

Red rain / Ga-ga (I go swimming instrumental) - Virgin *

Biko (live) / No more apartheid - Virgin

Digging in the dirt / Quiet steam - Real world *

Digging in the dirt / Quiet steam - Geffen - Different sleeve

Steam / Games without frontiers - Real world

Blood of eden / Mercy street - Real world *

Kiss that frog / Kiss that frog - Real world

Lovetown / Love to be loved - Epic

Spiel ohne grenzen / Jetz kommt die flut - Charisma (GER)

Shock the affen / Soft dog - Charisma (GER)

In your eyes / In your eyes (live) - WTG (USA)

In your eyes / In your eyes (live) - Geffen (USA) *