Melanie C's Paradise - Biography
So don't really know who Melanie C is huh? Or do ya wanna know more?
Well then keep reading......



Full name: Melanie Jayne Chisholm
Nicknames: Melanie C, Sporty Spice, Mel C, Holland (because she's flat!)
Birthdate: It is officially the 12th of January 1974 (there is a lot of controversy surrounding this but I know that this birthdate is definite!!)
Starsign: Capricorn
Zodiac sign:Tiger
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Either brown, dyed black, and/or red and/or blue extensions. Confusing huh?
Born:Whiston Hospital, Merseyside
Home: Originally Rainhill (a suburb of Liverpool), then Widnes, Cheshire (a few miles further south). If you have no idea where that is, see map
Height: 5'6" / 1.68m
Weight: 60kg (I think)
Brothers-Jad, Stuart, Paul, Liam, Declan

Distinguishing features:
- Celtic (chain-like) band tattoo around her right bicep
- "Women" and "Strength" (meaning Girl Power) in two oriental characters
tattooed above the Celtic band
- Celtic cross tattoo on her left arm
- "ANGEL" tattoo just below her navel
- Lotus blossom tattoo with Tibetan writing at the base of her spine
- nose-ring in her left nostril
- gold tooth cap


Fave food:Chinese
Fave guys: Jamie Redknapp, Steve McManaman (both from Liverpool F.C.), and Bruce Willis
Fave sport: Soccer (in English terms, football)
Fave athlete: Linford Christie
Fave athletics events:100m hurdles, 200m and high jump
Fave singers: Madonna and Stevie Wonder
Fave band: Blur
Fave colour: Red
Fave "Spice" song: "Who Do You Think You Are?"
Fave "Spiceworld" song: "Too Much"
Fave Spice Girls music video: "Say You'll Be There"
Favourite music video: "Vogue" by Madonna. She used to dance along to it when she was at dance school.
Fave song: "Song 2" by Blur
Fave movie: "Toy Story"
Fave TV show: "Brookside" "All those Scouse accents make me feel better whenever I get homesick."
Fave animal: Giraffe
Fave saying: "You'll never walk alone" (Liverpool F.C.'s slogan)
Hates: smoking, narrow-minded people

Interesting facts:

All her tins of baked beans in her cupboards have to face the same way, and she must always have at least four tins in there. How bizarre!

She used to eat Whiskas cat food when she was younger. Eeeeeeewwwww!!!

Love and Romance...

Fancies: Jamie Redknapp (as I told you earlier). "He`s gorgeous, whenever he speaks to me I just go to pieces. Recently he`s been looking even more gorgeous with his long hair. Ooh God."
and... "I have a soft spot for shy and melancholy types. I just can't resist dark and sad eyes."

Melanie's Perfect Man : "You won`t get me on your side by asking me to a fancy restaurant or any of that sissy stuff. What would interest me is an invitation to a football match."

and... "I don't like macho guys. I love confident men who believe in themselves."

Boy pulling methods: "I give him a shy glance then flex my biceps. I'd chat him up with 'I've got two tickets for a Liverpool match, do you fancy coming?"
but... "I'm quite shy and I find it difficult approaching guys."
so... If Melanie fancies a bloke, Mel B wouldn't wait for him to come over, she'd charge on in with "my mate fancies you!".

Sad Spice???: "I haven't met anyone yet who interests me. My idea of the perfect night would be to go down the pub, have a few beers, go to a football match, then back to the pub for a few more beers." And she's renamed herself Sad Spice, since she's been so unlucky in love...

Would you snog anyone to get your own way? "No, never. I've never been asked and I don't think anyone would want to snog me anyway."

Are you a good kisser?: "I think I probably was when I was getting a bit of practice, but I've probably got worse since. Anyone out there I can practice on?"

Any holiday romances?: "I met a rather dishy guy called Andy in a bar in Spain in 1990. Even though I don't smoke I borrowed a cigarette from a friend and offered him one to break the ice. We got on really well, we danced, we laughed and generally had a jolly good time. We kept in touch until Christmas when he mysteriously disappeared. Sadly that was the end of him!"

Finding romance...:"It's difficult because I spend so much time working. I just haven't met my Mr. Right yet."

What the other Spice Girls say about her...

Emma on Mel: "She's very fit and very funny. She's a very funny person when you talk to her, and when she's got something to say it's very important. And she gets us up and going when we've been a bit lazy, all of us, she gets us up saying 'COME ON NOW, we've got a singing lesson, or we've got to have a dance lesson'. She's a cool chick."

Geri on Mel: "Mel will always look after you. She carries your bag if it's too heavy. She's a really nice person, but tough too. She's the silent but deadly type."

Mel on herself: "I'm very determined. I think it can be a bit annoying, but I'm glad I'm like that. I don't think I'm a great singer, but I love it and I think maybe people enjoy my singing because I enjoy it so much. Sometimes I feel like I'm a bit of a spare part. I'm the one in the corner. But I'm the one the paparazzi don't follow. Touch wood."

So what about now...

Mel B on Mel: "She's still the most disciplined and strongest in spirit, she's got real determination and never panics."

Emma on Mel:"I can truly say I'd trust her with my life."

Geri on Mel: "She's blossomed into a babe."

Victoria on Mel: "She's really come out of herself."

School Days

First day at school: "A few days before my first day I'd fallen off my brother's bike and got a terrible gash on my knee, so I had to go and see the nurse. This meant on my first day at school I had to limp around."

School Plays: "I always ended up playing a sheep at the nativity play while the other girls dressed as angels. I didn't mind though, in fact I'd rather have played Joseph"

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