I couldn't have made this website without the help of other Angel fans, so I'd like to take a minute to say how much I appreciate your help and effort to the site!
First off, I have to thank Ms. Angel Grant. If it wasn't for her, this site would not be here! Thank you for your inspirational music! Thank you for all your emails girl! I luv 'em!
Everyone who has visited, who signed the guestbook, and who has emailed me. Your comments and suggestions help me a lot! Thank you for keeping the page alive!
A HUGE thanks to my girl Tanea for taping the Lil' Red Boat video for me, which created a few more pictures in the gallery. (I still owe you a tape, I know!)
Another great BIG thanks to Derek, who has been giving me a lot of info on the Lil' Red Boat and Knockin' singles! Keep it comin'!
I can't forget Tony, who has been very helpful with Angel's biography! Thanks Tony!
Last but not least Skip for taping Angel's Planet Groove performance! I'm forever grateful!