Scarface's Home Page!
This is Scarface's site Still under Construction. please check back soon!

ShiT Dis PlAcE HaS GoT 4 u:
(¯*-_Everything you need_-*¯)
I got links 4 virii,progs,etc.
come in check dis shisnet out

DaY I TokEd Up:
  1999-11-02 12:00 All the Scarface pictures were brought here from Its a bad asS sitE U ShoulD ChecK It OuT

ThesE SiTe$ ArE Da ShiT!
Jgeoff's Bad @$$ SitE (ScarfacE)
ThiS $ITe i$ liTurAly Da ShiT If You LikE ScarfAce
VirII SitE
Fuck UP SOmE 1's Comp.HeRe
fuCK UP aol WITH SOME CoO(_ ProgZ
D/L AOL progZ And Fuk AOl Ova Get Em 4 Me cuz they kickEd me Off.
My Bad @$$ $itE:
If you didNt finD What YoU waNt seArCh HerE
StArt YO Own Bad AsS SitE HerE
 FuCk Up Yahoo! GeoCities

DiS ainGht no DaM © (¯*=-._99-2oOo¯*=-._) Yayo! All da ShiT herE Was LinkeD HerE aighT So BacK Up. oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo