Hey!  Welcome to Praise Mt. Dew.  If you're here, you're either a lot more bored than I was when I made this, OR you love Mt. Dew.  Or both?  Any ways, I pity you cause now you have to endure my nonsense.  Heehee.  I'm constantly adding/changing stuff, so keep checking back.  Enjoy!!


 I like smileys.  You're gonna see a lot of them on this page SO GET USED TO IT!!!! Another thing you'll notice is I LOVE animated gifs, so no bitching about how long they take to load.

Visit my other site
got goo?
A site full of EVERYTHING you ever wanted (or didn't want) to know about the Goo Goo Dolls.

5-30-2000:  hi!!  It's been awhile since I've updated this (again), but I've been busy.  I just got home from work, the people i work with are offically insane.  yuppers.  well, i don't have to much else to say, other than be on the lookout for changes, cause I'm gonna give this site a much needed facelift.  oh, and check out Ca's page here, cause he's got me linked all over the place on his site.

4-20-2000:  I am sooooooo bored!!  Its spring break, yay!  I went to California last weekend, that was fun.  and I've worked.  Shoe Carnival, fun fun.  Its actually not that bad, people are nice (most of the time...) plus I get a discount...  Trying to decide if I wanna drive 2 1/2 hours for a concert tonite...It's really nasty weather, so I dont know if I wanna drive in it.  poopers.  anyways, I think I'll go now.  try to find something to do.  Later!

And now for some nifty stuff:
bouncing monkey

Heehee, isn't he cute??

 You WILL sign my slammbook!  You WILL or else I'll send the stupid people after you!!!

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You are Praise Mt. Dew's  visitor since it's unveiling on November 20, 1999.  Doesn't that make you feel all warm and cozy inside?

Feel free to contact me with any Ideas/suggestions/nonsense/etc.
email amused_01@hotmail.com
AIM screen name 'Amusd 1'

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Ok, if I took something from your site, I'm sorry.  Let me know and I'll add your name somewhere.  Anyone actually reading this?  Heehee.  That's it, THE END.

Are you still here??  LEAVE ALREADY!!!!! There's no more!!! nothing left to see.  jeez, you REALLY need a life if you're actually reading all this.