The Beer song
(yes beer)

Ok, this just goes to show you I'm NOT the only insane person out there...the flute sectional lady at my band camp taught us this song.  This is what we did when we were "praticing" yea, that's what we were doing...honestly!  We sang this and made pyramids of all the flute/clarinet people.  heehee, THAT was fun.  Check out my pics to see a shot of it.  heehee.  now, onto the song!!!  oyeah, it goes to the tune of "do, re, mi" ya know, from "sound of music"???

Doe, a beer, a German beer.
Ray, the guy behind the bar.
Me, the girl, I buy beer for.
Fa, a long long way to run.
So, I'll have another beer.
La, lalalala (sounds best if in a drunken slur)
Tea, no thanks I'll have a beer.
And that brings us back to doe, oh,oh, oh

Heehee, now at camp, the flutes and clarinets sang it for the band. We sang it twice, then everybody but Shannon "passed out" and Shannon was left saying "beer, beer, beer..."  It was really fun.  you should try it.....

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