For only 5 bucks a month I would
be able to give you all a much more
entertaining site full of interactivity and
things of that nature. More domain video
clips, more musical downloads, more
everything! 5 little dollars would get me:
Unlimited Webspace
Unlimited Data Transfer
CGI, Perl, PHP, ASP, and SQL Database Support
Unlimited email accounts (i.e. for whomever wants one)
No annoying pop up advertisements
So please, spare a dollar if you can. Help turn this into an awesome
site! Those who do donate will be honored in a yet undecided fashion.
Donations can be sent via PayPal
As a special treat, just for taking the time to read this donations
page I'll give you this amazing Anti Matt buddy icon for AIM. Join
the revolution today and boycott Matt immediately!
Thank you, and please enjoy your time at Luke's Domain.