Hello and welcome to Backstreet's Back. You'll notice some changes between this site and my old one. I ran out of memory on my old site and had to start a new one. Just so that everyone is aware - I have no way of contacting any of the Backstreet Boys or their management...sorry, I'm just a fan. Also, I get a lot of e-mail asking me questions like "who is your favorite BSB?" and "what is your favorite BSB song?" Here are my answers. My favorite BSB is Brian :o) and my favorite song of their's is "All I Have To Give." I guess I've said enough now. I hope you enjoy my page and please come back and visit it again soon!

Hey BSB fans! CDnow has the biggest selection of BSB merchandise! Order a BSB shaped CD of your favorite boy or get their new video, the ALL ACCESS video. There are tons of BSB things you can get by clicking here!

As you can tell, my page is obviously not finished yet. But I have been working a lot on a section just for Brian. Click here to see it.

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