Fat Zach and the Bald Man
Fat Zach and the Bald Man
Walking down the street with a cola
Fat Zach and the Bald Man
Quite a spectacle for the eye
Cat eyes and the cold smile
Sends shivers up my spine
Cruel mind and catastrophe
Deviants no doubt
(Temperature rising) Meticulous degeneration
(Temperature rising) Cantankerous nation
(Temperature rising) Volcanic eruption
(Temperature rising) Ride the hot potato
Fat Zach and the Bald Man
Together through thick and thin
Fat Zach and the Bald Man
Hide the children from their sin
Cheap wine and smoked some bud
Sends messages through their skull
Big dreams and procrastination
Gen x’ers simply scheme
Zacharia tubula
Bald pated nebula
Unfettered cerebellum
Skin colored bowling ball