Dear Tara, Hey There girl! Wassup? There really hasn't been much going on here, with the exception of the trial nearly being over. I am so glad that this is all going to be gone and out of the way finally. Did you hear that my dad is going to at least get 10 years?! I am so glad I'll never have to see the ass again. But other than him going to jail I can't believe all the publicity this trial has gotten! I can't even go to the stupid store down the street without someone questioning me or telling me that they are sorry. I understand why Hanson gets so sick of publicity now! So, how are you and Ike? I bet you are really glad that he is home now for the spring and summer. The tour took forever and it was a lot of hell to go through the majority of the trial without Taylor, but we kept in touch. I am glad he is comming to Toledo to stay with me and Uncle Dan for a couple weeks before I move out there. Taylor's really looking forward to me living next door to him now, no more 3 hour plane rides. I haven't seen Tay in like six or seven monthes, but trust me I think I taped every single talk show they were on!!! :) I can't believe that you and Ike and me and Tay have been together for over two years now. And can you believe that I finally passed my driving test, when I am moving in like 2 weeks. I took the stupid test like 5 times. Oh well, I hope Tulsa's test is easier. It's great being 16 almost 17 though. Well, I must be going now USA Today is calling!!! LoL! Not really, but I do have to run. Tomorrow is the day when they read the verdict and I can't wait to see the head of Gateway Computers Production, Jake Vasquilikis go down with all the reporters watching. Tell Isaac I said hi since I know he is probably reading this over your shoulder at the dorms. I love ya lots! Laters! ~*Ali*~ P.S. Hope your 2nd year of classes at TU are going great!