Alex Hofeling
Essay #3
English 101
I stand atop the railroad tracks with the sound of crackling rocks beneath my warm feet. A warm breeze mixed with the smell of hot tar hits me on all sides. Both the sun above and the reflection off the black rocks below are heating me. The area is filled with autumn colors and smells. I gaze across the field into the forest that helped shape who I am. This field is the only separation between Pipeline and myself. Everything in my life has changed except for Pipeline.
I pass through the field with a peaceful smile. Walking, I cover my eyes as the dust kicks and wind turns. The field is dirt mixed with corncobs and corn stalks that I’ve seen on doorsteps near Halloween. The lazy sky widens when I close in on the center of the field. This field hasn’t changed in ten years. I reach the edge of the forest before I realize the fast pace I kept in crossing.
My first step into the forest I notice the temperature drops 10 degrees. The walk gets louder with the sound of crackling leaves and snapping sticks. I trek through the forest before running into the first charming piece of my sacred area. This is an old flourmill. Bricks cracked and faded, this proud building still stands tall. Empty inside except for a giant hole where the power of the river turned the rock. I get the same flashback every time I enter this castle. My father would hold me up to the windowsill to look down onto the powerful rapids. The insatiable quicksand below would be mentioned next. One false move and the quicksand would devour me in an instant. Looking back I realize it was an easy way to keep me away from the empty window. As I now gaze out the window the rapids aren’t as big and powerful as I remember them. There is certainly no quicksand waiting for me below.
As I step back into the dark forest, I realize my journey has only begun. A few short steps and I will be atop the sandbar of the Big Blue River. This bar isn’t as wide as I remember but the memories of it have grown. This golden yellow bar is where I mended my first cut and sipped my first drink. This is where I stole my first kiss and captured my first snake. It still holds the breathtaking sounds of the river flowing and birds singing. This beautiful place is stuck in time.
The river is the only separation between my home and the foreign lands across. The powerful rapids and jagged rocks made positive we would never see the other side by way of the Big Blue River. Though I was sure many had died trying.
I now head south to the structure of Pipeline. Built out of bones and steel, this bridge is equal to any man made structure in the world. Pipeline is the King of this Jungle. This is as close to being natural as the trees that kneel below it. It offers the only safe passage to the foreign lands separated by the Big Blue River. I was the last of my siblings to cross the Great Pipeline. As I near Pipeline, I notice the soil below has given way and caused this great structure to sink a hundred feet. I start up the stairway only to find that several of the stairs have been removed. I make it to the top in record time. The white paint has turned cream and faded. The stairs have closed in on one another. The hardest part is crossing the Great Wall on top of Pipeline to her platform. This is the only safe passage over the Big Blue River. Ten feet wide and twenty feet tall, one missed step and I would fall below to my death. I notice the wall has been made more accessible. This wall now resembles a fence. I no longer need to crawl down the backside of the fence. This time there aren’t any proud siblings offering high-fives on the other side. Now everyone is welcomed to this foreign land that only I have successfully explored. I cross the fence with ease. Something else is missing from Pipeline. There is no longer a lump in my throat or sweaty hands. I no longer resemble a deer staring into oncoming lights. All my fear is gone. The deadly river is still below but it is no longer as dangerous.
Before realizing it, I am in foreign lands. My journey is done. I no longer feel the need to pick up a large stick to defend myself against animals I may cross in this unexplored territory.
So much has changed and so little has stayed the same. This is the first time that saying has ever meant anything to me. I start my search for the carving I made several years ago when I announced my first true love to the world. We would surely be together forever. Maybe Pipeline has weakened in its years, but time could not have changed such a bold announcement. Although a person would have to cross the dreaded Pipeline to read this message, this was still a bold announcement.
After a deep breath of warm air, I find the sun has worn on me. I lay down with my back resting at Pipeline’s feet. Several minutes pass before I wake disoriented and feel as if I was a child again. Pipeline’s shadow is hovering over me. Again, I begin my search for my announcement. Finding my announcement, I find it is not as bold as I remembered. This too has faded away.
Stop crying and Go Home!