*s* a mutual sharing of poems and prose.


Settled Resignation

 It's not so much the strange,

  It's not so much the darkness,

  What quickens my pulse is the power of life expressed in all it's brilliant mulitple hues.

   Sometimes that hue is the subtle yellow of a flower next to a small green tree. 

 next to a quiet flowing stream.

  What infinite power.


Our life cycle...like hurried ants, feeding the queen, Scarcely learning who we are before the end. Struggling through lost identities, what we call home Succumbing to the energy that is our only force. Through successive journeys we finally met, Briefly sharing our intermingling souls Moving through other channels, never forgetting Clutching moment's ecstasy close to heart. One moment we are born into the miracle, Next, focused into the glistening aura of hope Growing older as the senses seem to dull, Eventually departing, resigning to the master plan. CT


Spaces Re-Found

Two inner-delicate, needy folds,

Melting into pulsing crevice,

Open, yet tight, simultaneously.


Like the cocoon to the butterfly,

So we journey forth,

To reawakening scents of hyacinths


Finding the lock for the key,

Fingers fumbling, yet strong

Delving deeper into gaping hole.


Here, where the phoenix soars

Power surging into veins

Of  tumultous emotion



Under current, under tow, 

Swift grab into warm liquid life, time stops

Time disappears, between, like several lives.

towards one moment of merging, shuddering, aliveness

like all the familiar rooms of home, some to eat,

some to sleep, 

  Now in this bright white light, we play, while here

      Play, awake from within with a radiating smile

    We Play, while here

     we play awake, 

         while here, we Play.

 This one room, this light, the smile slips under and through,

    we play in our memories as well.



Centered Emotion

   Body moving,

   Warm flood of loin,
        new ideas spring, wet,

        Joy,  momentarily capture,

        justification, meaning, insight,

        purpose, belonging, acceptance,

        into the universal purpose.

         My act, my gift, my Joy,

         binding and being bound together,

         Together, with.....

   Completion for a time.. till the next completion...

 W L

    Charged to nothing;
    What explanation forthcoming?
    Depression melds into sleep.

    Listless fervor wavering
    Senseless time
    Vacant pillow of comfort.

    The path is muddled.


As the heat rises and the sparks fly.

  To meet and slowly very slowly blow open the taboo's, tearing down the curtains that separate us from melting into one another, that melting that comes from the pounding of me into you, like a blacksmith shaping a glowing hot piece of raw willing iron into different useful shapes, one ringing blow at a time, each shaping a little more, aligning and moving the metal with each blow, with the occasional thrust of the sword back into the sparking fire, bellows working, heating more, bringing the metal to the brink of total collapse into shining molten steel, pulling out just shy, positioning on the cold hard anvil, arm raised, dirty and blackened hand holding the uncompromising hammer,

     ting, another blow, another small movement towards completion, 

     ting, another alignment another giving up of the old shape,

     ting, another acceptance of the new shape, more defined,
           sharper, and smoother at the same time.

The contrasts developing from the will of the smith and the acceptance of the steel. Finally back into the fire, bellows causing streams of sparks, the new sword glowing from within, 
    one color,


Tongs lift it and plunge it into the cold water, billows of steam, loud hissings as the steel takes on a razor hardness, brittle and unyielding, useless. The smith, picks it out and with careful binding slow bakes it, color changing and softening through the darkest of rainbow of hues, from wheat, to brown, to blue, towards black. Stopping short at a light brown on the edge and darker at the center the careful wrapping allowing the controlled tempering, a balance of useless shattering hardness, and useless malleability to a combination of resilient body and hard edge. The smith examines and smiles at the new thing created, the new thing in the world, the new tool to be used. The new tool with the soul of the smith contained within. All that is needed is the wrappings and trappings of a sword to hold it and make use of it and to keep it safe and protected.

         Thinking, a handle of leather befits this my new sword.











A Healing

  John, He was a ball player,

    Hit homeruns like white on rice.

  Caught flies like wretched stench.

  Each finds His own level of water.


   Pride says

      "How might she Be a better writer?"

   Denial says 

      "Each word wept Upon Your page."

   Shame says

      "Such a fool were You, believing such a tale."

   Death says

      "She was in my clutches, But woe the saga goes."

   Life says 

      "From the spring lies the water;

         Drench one's self in awe of me."



On the edge of the Wheel

Mind roars open,

 caught by steady change,

  the mad dash to ocean home,

 above which the invisible floating in pure quiet air,

   then corporial clouds, visible, in still air which

  gathers for that flash and pouring out,

     falling to earth

        splashing down,

          soaking in through the life of earth,

     ever seaking, 

  when caught with brothers and sisters on a babling quest,

  Drawn out of earth, draw out and down, gathering, gathering,

  larger and faster, hurtling past me, anouncing continuously

  the promise of the quest, 

   ammassed tiny voices shake my ground, then down and down

  till emmense movement slowly slows 

     in the seasoning of the suposssed end.

  Warm sun after a long wait, lifts each up, 

      carries up to the quiet phase of the turning cycle.



Modern Compression

I hurried, harried, past pastoral setting.

 longing glance freezing the beautiful fiction,
  of me, there, pastoral. 

   Miles, miles, clickity clack,
   clickity clack,

 Another destination bagged, passport stamped,

   all I really want is a quiet absinthe

     under a shady tree.



Sunset on the point


   Sun bright gentle day,

       blue and white and blue and green,

   till waining warmth give way to 

      a golden flecked corridor across worried water.

   Grand reminant of glorious day,

            sinking below silhouetted hills.

   The wind lowers its standard in reverant respect.

   A rainbow sky, faded glory, holds valiantly till, 

             slowly, night claims the field.

   Disrespectful, a night wind sweeps in, too soon, too soon,

       anouncing its stark arc'ed Queen.

 She crosses the infinite blackness collecting relaxed counsel

              from the spray of a million ancient suns.

 Soon, even the that Silver Sickle bows to the green northern fire,

   anouncing the suns delayed comment on our spinning circumstance.

      It whispers to the world asleep, like forgotten dreams.

                        "I will come again" 





        Lazily laying down and seeing
        what there is to be in being.

        Running fast, bumping, careening
        living, breaking free, weening.

        Landing, rubbing bottom, looking round
        feeling, enjoying, how we're bound.

        Growing tired, loosing, sadly
        seeing being not bound, madly.

        Tearfully laying down and seeing
        what there was to have been in being.





       Patience, waits, quietly.

          Anxiety, waits, with turmoil.

       I wait with patient anxious desire.

                for something....    unknown.




Sharp Smolder (part 2)


Ancient posturings, 
          full juiced, 

    At the edge, that ancient accepted form,
         communal worship,
             of deep and un-approved passions. 

    I slap your rhythms on the box, kak.da.da.ka.da.ddd.kak.
        radiating, from my loins,
             all senses and heart one, sharp and timely.

    Your dance not needing, but accepting,
            my core's beat, 
               we are merged for the dance.

    Quickly she claps my timing, kat.ta.ta.kat.kat.kat.
          urging, coaxing feet faster,
               my violent heeling bravado.

    You two dance the same dance, one to the next,
                 we compete, and complete, each
                     whole for a time. 

    Puffed, sharply defiant, 
         displaying against all our nights,
              we have impressed ourselves, too,

                     in this ritual of release.




Sharp Smolder (part 1)


        Arms high, Proud backed,

        I look into your defiant eyes,


        My feet demanding you, my arms, my intensions,

          eyes focusing you into my hot soul, 

        eyes blazing back,

             Swirling skirt confounding, 

                 arms ripe with ambiguous unconcerned,

         we balancing anger, pride, desire, and forced pleasure,

            sounded on the hard sharp floor.   



Tomorrow Never Comes

        Frenzied abandon
        Mind frozen, reality's mirror
        innocence lost as eyes scream
        mouth-shaped orphan in seas of madness
        Tomorrow never comes

        The dance a desperate beat
        lurking in child's soul
        raw into the night's fold

        bare flesh, skirt awash
        Tomorrow never comes

        Cold hard floor
        Blurred images meld 
        seething in undefined surroundings
        contrasted in stark memories still
        Tomorrow never comes



Inner ear


        The pipes echo tartan bold and I approach to see.

        if the echo's are so grand if not distanced from me.

        Drone flavors, undercurrent, overtone, dree

        Girded, prodded, steeled and battle ready. 

        Cut deep and pull, towards moth flame fate,





Deflected Trajectories


        Needs drawing life to sea,

          down, down, over and around,

        Slipping, tumbling, gamboling, free, 

            down, around, over, to ground.

        Cosmic pachinko, needs arrive,

            path set free.

        Game on game, intersecting, entwined,

            my game, your game, the big game enshrined.

        Compound cacophony of clatterous noise.

          Life pours in, and hope out pours our joys.

        Flowing with the balls through complex comb,

                     even the last ball finds home.




Sweetness in Flower

            Sweet flower, do what you dew,
            thrust out to draw in, for issue.

            Compelling by shrinking back,
            drawing, leading, back in two.

            Two making, two oneing, one too.

               The scent of perfume
               hypnotizing its receivers
               dazing the sight of onlookers.

               Going deeper into the core
               darker color, stronger scent
               residing there in time.




               care, finds care, finds caring,
               fine cairn of constant search.
               indigo tracings, indeed go, in,
               tracing cares and
               cairns to constant truth. 

          Words casting shadows in candelight
            the Ancients looming in the walls of the cairn
          Echoing in the caverns of the soul
            freeing the spirit of the old and new

          Knowledge like a cistern of gold,
            wisdom the threshhold of enchantment
          Words that come alive in the awakening,
            meandering tapestry of life.





       Piling bags, building, she, we work together,

       one on one, one on top, on one, in line.

       Gathering, emense, slow and certain,

       foothills come and visit for a time.

       A glance would miss, but the old slow folk, see,...

       every conversation the river every had,

       and they, out of respect for what's to be said, flee. 

       one on one, on top, on one, all laid, 

       but she is on the river side,

       and I have no help or trade.

         Cresting sounds of turbulance
           Yet defying nature's course
               Determined to avenge disaster
         Working, building...others have given up.

         Always watchful, protecting one's own
           Seeing muddied waters of debris
               Flowing past swiftly, powerfully
         Continuing the work...others have given up.

         Mighty river torrents, howling undercurrents
           Life dreams in doubt
               Increasing the odds of failure
         Focused intervention...others have given up.

         Respecting the power of each moment
           Steadfast in gaze toward the goal
               Understanding there will be loss--or gain
         The toll unknown...Choosing...to not give up.



The Raining


      Open and wonderful, rare and right,

      Beckoning, thrown open to one.

      Drops left from rain, sweet rain

                    that rained on .. us, all.

      Moist, and ready, fullfilling promise,

      Calling out, loudly, bursting colors,

                  through multiple, multiple spectrums

      Pollen dripping.. waiting.. waiting.. and ripe.

      Petals curving strongly, stretching back, open more,

      for just that bee.

      ...not me..

      to bumble or not to bumble,


                  let it be.


      Splendored sight
        A moment in time
      in both maturity and innocence

      An awakening
        From the bud
            the seedling
      nature's passionate resonance

      The perfect time
         for entry
            tasting sweet nectar
      of orgasmic pleasure

      Total willingness
          enraptured in nakedness
             enshrined in ecstacy
      Nucleus of life's passion.



        Does the train contain,

        My future?

        Go, stay, remain,


        Will the doors be kind.

        opening to.. 

        My heart arrive,

        or passage to.

        Will the rain decide.


 The Train

      Window seat...watching,
        seeing inside.
      Viewing outside.  Minsicle
        in proportion.
      Yet looming large. Sometimes
        hideously disproportionate.
      Insular.  Myopic.

      Breaking through the tunnel ahead.
        Tracks bending with the force.


Dim Path

       Brick, laid, the path obscured in failing light

       Unmistakable to the foot,

       That first step, then clarity.


      The Path

      The path not taken, steps gingerly laden
      with uncertainty; cautious in the dark.
      Hesitant...waiting.  What might befall the moment?
      Might a trusted hand clasp night's void?

      This path: why does it beckon her journey?
      Grasping for the light, it must await her~
      Yet, the other side might only be a dream
      Might only be a fool's demise, a ruse.

      Looking behind she sees the familiar,
      the dwelling place once embraced as home.
      A secure abode, tempting to rest one's soul,
      Yet finding the spirit searching, seeking...

      Again peering at the dim light of the path,
      knowing one chooses the darkness or its sister;
      Acknowledging that for all death there is rebirth,
      Reminding her, the first step taken long ago.

      Taking her heart, massaging with firm kindness
      befriending the stranger residing within her.
      Naked, she inhales the breath of her womanhood
      embracing the path, as it whispers "Come to me."




           Watching Gull, not hungry..
           Seeing Flying Mountain. hair aloft.

           Strong folded, molded wings, wait,

           Tense between man, bird, and wind

           Feathers gently ruffling

               Hair Trigger


                Patient Royal King
                Knowing it shall bravely come
                Wind, as if a Queen.





        She looked at the flowers and asked,
        "The colors are so vivid, don't you think?"
        A garden's charm warmed by summer,
        Casting shadows upon indoor simplicity.

        Wondering as the colors fade, as
        The scent grows less acute, 
        If...those days will be among the last
        When the senses can but mirror the image.

        "Aye," he said, "During those times, 
        a fresh garden shall be planted and sown,
        For always a virtuous one shall find
        the fertile field where flowers abound."

        She smiled at the thought, stroking her hair,
        Pulling grey strands away from her face,
        She whispered, "Flowers of the soul; Yes,
        vibrant, fragrant flowers robust in life."



        Oh Flower burst,
        Bringing us down all the ages, this peak,

        This joyful flowering, one and now,

        Ages of life expressed here, here, now only now

        Fertility exploding in color and need, 
        Waiting, showing, us

        We know more than just flower..

        Plant, root, continutiy of life and change,

        Spreading back with solid ageless certainty,

        Spreading now,  connected to the web

        Hopeful, just hopeful




Mountain Rough

        Looking up.. soaring..

        Climbing the rough rock.. 
              filled with life thrusting out anywhere it can.

        Looking up.. at soaring..

        Happy ruddy faced, rough hands, climbing ever up.
        Looking up.. at gull and wind.. yearing 

        Disappearing for a time in dark damp valleys
        Suddenly scrambling hard up .. the peak, open, bright

        Taking firm stance, deep rooted, 

        wind ravaging through hair,  Gull closely circling,

        Extending the mountain into the wind.

        Mountain soaring on wings of hair. 

         (an image from a Mountain top below..)



     The alpine air whispers its refuge
       its beckoning within the sounds of silence.
     The place of sanctity, seeming immortality
       the path of oneness.

     Soaring high above the mumblings of earth,
       lofty amidst entrapments of the soul.
     Becoming the vision, the wing span of the flight, 
       enveloping the might of transcendence.

     The air breathing its life force,
       inhaling the strength of its passion
     The senses streaming through beginnings and endings
       all balanced in the silhoutte of nothingness.

     A free form.

                    Reflections, CT


Basking in the in between

  Above the Forest..
        alone, one gull..
            above the forest..
               one  free  living  life...

        The invisible air holding up, sustaining flight..

            The frantic, then resting, then frantic wing..

        holding up against the air.. sustaining flight..

        The slow turning glides...

           holding up through the air.. sustaining flight..
        From air's acceptance of wings onslaught.. 

           The sustaining union, of lift, and freedom...

        The Air passive but Wind, Air transendent...

        Wing slicing through,

                The wind only they can see..

         (reflections up from a glade below..)




Desired but unbidden

Desired but unbidden

Desired but unbidden

Desired and bidden

Desired and bidden





Tomorrow Never Comes

Or the other one

Or the other other one

Or the other other other one

Or the other other other other one

Or the other other other other other one

Or the other other other other other other other one

Or the other other other other other other other other one

Or the one

Or the two

Or the Writing

Or the Sweetness

Deflected Trajectories

Inner Ear

Sharp Smolder (part 1)

Sharp Smolder (part 2)



Sunset on the point

Modern Compression

On the edge of the Wheel

A Healing

As the heat rises and the sparks fly.

Centered Emotion.

Spaces Re-Found

Settled Resignation

You've been here  times

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