Chapter 29: Spying

August and Lindsay stood and looked at the babies for what seemed like forever. At one point, August began to cry. She didn't know specifically why she was crying. She was happy and sad at the same time. Happy that she now had two new sisters, but sad that she had to face Taylor in 4 days. She didn't know how she was going to deal with that, or what she was going to say. All she wanted to do now was be happy, and not worry about anything.

"Well girls, you two should probably go. Your mom needs her rest."
"Ok dad." smiled August. "Dad? Which car are we going to take?"
"Well August, I was going to come back here after I dropped you two off, but if you want to drive, that's fine."
"Ok. I'll drive." she smiled.
"Alright. I'll see you at home later. Be careful."
"I will dad."
"Oh and August?"
"Yea dad?"
"Can you call your Aunt Alex?"
"Sure dad."
"Thank you."

August and Lindsay walked out of the room, and to the elevator. The doors opened and they got in to ride down.

**In New York**

"Boys....hurry up! We have to be at the studio in 20 minutes!" called a frantic Diana.

The boys were scheduled to be on the David Letterman show that afternoon, and it would air that night. They weren't even close to being ready. Zac was running around looking for his shoes, Taylor was looking for his T-Shirt, and Isaac was in the bathroom fussing with his hair.

"Why won't this work?" he muttered, trying to get his hair to look right.
"Mom!!" he yelled
"What Ike?"
"Can I shave my head?"
"Why do you want to shave your head?"
"Cuz I hate my hair!!"
"You say the same thing everyday Ike." said Zac as he rushed in to check his hair.
"Yea, and one of these days, I'm seriously going to shave it."
"Yea Ike, I'm sure that you will." added Taylor as he joined Zac and Isaac in front of the mirror.

Diana walked in and shook her head. All three boys sighed and rushed out of the room, Diana walking behind them. She didn't know what to make of the situation. She decided that they were obsessed with their hair. Any way you looked at it, they were going to be cutting it close.

**In Tulsa**

The ride home from the hospital didn't take very long. August and Lindsay stopped back at August's house to get Lindsay's stuff. They drove to Lindsay's house to drop her off. Lindsay got out of the car and turned around.

"I'll call you later, ok?"
"Ok, I'll be there. I think." she laughed.
"Ok. Bye Aug!"
"Bye Linz!!"

Lindsay turned back around and continued up the side walk to the front door. She pulled a key from her pocket and let herself in. August backed out of the driveway and headed home. She turned onto her street and passed the Hanson home. She saw a few bikes laying in the grass. She looked toward the backyard and noticed a few girls walking on the property and playing on the treehouse. She sighed and turned into the driveway. She parked and got out of the car. She thought about how she could really scare the girls. She snuck u to the porch, and walked around the house, staying near it. The girls hadn't seen her yet. She saw one girl climb into the treehouse. August got an idea. She ran back around the house and jumped into her car. She started it up and backed out of the driveway. She drove to her house, parked the car, and ran inside. She hurried down the hall to the stairs. She ran down the and down the next hall to her room. She ran over to the box that hadn't been unpacked. It was labeled "Video". It contained all her video tapes and her camcorder. She turned it on, made sure it had batteries and a tape, and ran back up the stairs. She grabbed a hat and sunglasses. She stuffed her hair into the hat, put on the sunglasses, and ran of the house. She walked down the street, back towards the Hanson house. She was almost positive that the girls would still be there. Sure enough, the bikes were still laying in their same positions. She hit RECORD. She walked onto the property, making sure to record that there were bikes in the grass. She walked around the house, as quietly as before, and looked at the treehouse. She zoomed in. She couldn't see anything. She walked closer. She could here them talking again. She stood to listen for awhile.

"I'm so glad that they aren't home right now." said one girl
"No kidding Kel, we'd get busted if we got caught." said another
"Obviously Kristi. But no one is going to catch us." said Kel.
"They wouldn't come home anytime soon, would they?" asked Kristi.
"Nah. They're taping Letterman this afternoon, so they're still in New York."
"Ok, but would there be anyone here? Because I thought I heard a car pull in earlier."
"You're hearing things Kris. No one's here."
"What about Tay's girlfriend. Didn't she come home?"

August's ears perked at this.

"Yea, but why would she be here?"
"I dunno."
"Didn't they break up?"
"I read that they had a fight, but technically didn't break up."
"Oh well. I hope they do break up, Tay's mine, he loves me. He said so himself."
"Oh yeah? When." challenged Kristi.
"When they were here last time. Before the little tramp came. He was all mine. He was about to ask me out, but then she came. Everything was going fine. He was mine."

August couldn't listen anymore.

"What do you think you're doing." she called.

She heard the girls moving around. A girl with bright blonde hair stuck her head out the window. August turned the camera up to her.

"What are you doing here?" the girl asked.
"I have permission to be here."
"Oh really." replied the girl, with a snotty tone.

Her head disappeared from the window, and a pair of shoes appeared on the ladder. The girl climbed down, followed by a shorter brown haired girl. They approached her.

"How long have you been here." asked the first girl.
"Long enough to tape you in the treehouse, and your full conversation. Including the parts about me."
"How dare you! You have no right to be taping us without us knowing!!" screamed the girl.

The second girl just stood there and was quiet. She guessed that she was Kristi, and the girl with the attitude was Kel.

"You have no right to be on this property." retorted August.
"And like you do?" snapped Kel.
"Actually, yes, I do."
"Who the heck do you think you are."
"You tell me. You were bashing me enough."

Kel took a better look at August. August pulled offer her hat and sunglasses. Kel gasped.

"'re." she stuttered.
"Uh-oh." muttered Kristi.
"Shut up Kristi."
"I'd suggest you get off this property right now. Before I call the police." said August.
"Ugh!!" huffed Kel as she walked past August. Kristi was close behind.

August taped their exit. She began to laugh. The guys would get a kick out of this. August turned off the camera and walked home. She plugged the camera into the main VCR, and stuck a blank tape into the VCR. She transferred the footage onto a tape and watched it. It got everything that she needed. She picked up the phone and called Lindsay. They talked for awhile, and August told Lindsay to come over. Lindsay would be over in 10 minutes. She glanced at the clock, and ran across the street to Ellie's house. Jen answered the door. She smiled.

"Hi, can I help you?" asked Jen.
"Hi. I'm August. I live across the street. I'm looking for Ellie."
"Ok, come in, I'll go get her."
"Ok, thank you."

Jen walked down the hall to the stairs she called up.

"Yea?" came the reply.
"There's someone here to see you."
"Ok, I'll be right down."

Jen walked back to the front room.

"She'll be right down."
"Ok, thank you."
"You're welcome."

Jen walked back down the hall to the kitchen. Ellie came down the stairs soon after. She smiled when she saw August.

"Do you think you could come over right now? I want you to meet one of my friends. And we can just hang out."
"Ok, let me ask Jen."

Ellie walked down the hall into the kitchen. She reappeared quickly and nodded.

"Ok, cool."

The two girls walked out of the house and across the street. They walked thru August's front door. Lindsay was laying on the couch, watching TV.

"Make yourself comfortable Linz." said August sarcastically.
"Don't worry, I will." smiled Lindsay. She noticed Ellie.
"Hi!" she called.
"Hi." said Ellie with a smile.
"I'm Lindsay."
"I'm Ellie."
"Nice to meet you."
"Same to you."

The three smiled.

"Ok, now that the introductions are done, what do you want to do?" asked August.
"How bout we watch the video that you shot." suggested Lindsay.
"Oh." August smiled. "We can't watch it yet."
"Why?" said Lindsay with a confused look. "You said we would watch it."
"I know. But we can't."
"Because Ellie's here."
"What? Why can't I see it?" Asked Ellie, sounding hurt.
"Oh, Ellie, don't worry. It'll just ruin my surprise for you!" laughed August.
"What surprise?" asked Ellie.
"Ok, the video is basically about my friend that you're going to meet in about 4 days."
"Oh!" realized Lindsay. "She doesn't know!"
"No. She doesn't."

Ellie laughed.

"I like surprises, but I'm not liking the suspicion."
"Don't worry. You'll find out soon. I promise."

Back to Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Thirty

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