Viata Dormiteaza Germinind Si-O Simt In Jur Universala
Intr-o Nesfirsita Oboseala Si-n Absenta Ultimului Cind
Iar Taina Aerului Otravit Intr-un Inceput De-nnoptare
Alacelui Orizont Nemarginit Adoarme Fara Desteptare
My ruined world's denying the earthly time
Drained of all emotions... Immortality: be now mine!
My ruined dreams - remains of tortured years
Who will be left to wipe away my bitter tears?
Words of sorrow... sail,
Travelling on cold winds
Words of tranquility... fail,
Dancing on my wounded lips
I'm dying mostly alone within life's thin disguise
And I can't tame the blood
And the heart THEY have baptized
The scars burn deeply into my soul
My smile has lost its brilliance
My words become so trivial...
Loosing all desire, loosing all, but pride.
...Caci demult, aici, la marginea vietii
Sub lumina siderala, nu mai traiesc in timp ...
Iar calendarul a reintrat in forma lui astrala
"Te vad, Te aud, te cuget,
Tinara si dulce veste, dintr-un cer cu-alte stele
cu alte vise si alti zei"
...Pe drumuri delirind, pe-o vreme de toamna
Ma urmareste-un Gind, Ce ma-ndeamna:
"Dispari cit mai curind!"
...Caci visu-mi mu-i un dis pamintesc!
My ruined world's grasping for a mystic thought
Though the soul's already tired of search
My ruined dreams - Out of reach
And the hopeless soul keeps on waiting,
For whom? But who's to know?
Trei cruci de lemn, trei cruci enorme de lemn
Vopsite cu trei culori, pãzesc pe marginea soselei
Fîntîna celor... crediciosi!
Trei cruci pe marginea soselei
cu gesturi largi de mîini bolnave
Opresc din drum pe cãlãtori
si parcã-s trei spînzurãtori
De care atîrnã trei crisosi...
Într-o zi împinsi de-acelasi funerar îndemn
Ca dou-armate puse una-n fata alteia
Cumintii se-ntîlnirã cu nebunii
Copiii mortilor de mîine se-ntîlnirã cu pãrintii...
"Se-armatele-ncepurã lupta la umbra crucilor de lemn
Deoparte flutura stindardul credintei... alb... curat..." albul cel curat, al florilor de nufãr
Iar tricolorul nebuniei, închis cu grijã-n cîte-in cufãr
De craniu omenesc...
Sta gata sã se desfãsoare la cea dintîi îngenuncheare
A albului domnesc...
Însã-n ziu-aceea cerul înnegrit de fum pãrea
Un tavan de catedralã ce se nãruia
"Iar fumul din clopotnitele-aprinse deschidea-n albastrul:"
Drumul altui fum, mai greu, mei negru si-albastrul
Si-n ziu-aceea cerul înnegrit de fum pãrea
Un tavan de catedralã ce se nãruia
Si multimea-nspãimîntatã, spre clopotnitele-aprinse
Se-ndrumeazã grupuri, grupuri, cei cuminti privesc plîngînd
Plîng ca resturil unei armate-nvinse, iar nebunul stã deoparte
Si zîmbeste ... fredonînd:
"Iar tricolorul nebuniei adãpostea pe-nvingãtori!"
"Banner Of Blasphemy"
Three wooden crosses - Three huge crosses of wood
Painted with three colors - On the margin of the road
Guarding the fountain of the believers
Three crosses on the margin of the road
With gestures made by morbid hands
They hinder wanderers whilst passing
Like three gallows on holy lands
Where three cristians are hanging...
Inclined by a funeral stir
On a fatal sky, so blur
Like two armies enticed to war
The mad have fallen upon the brave
The children of morrows dead
Their parents had met
In the shade of the wooden crosses
The armies began their battle
Aside... the banner of creedance flattered
White and clean
Like the cleanest white men have seen
And the blasphemic flag of madness
Safely embedded in each humen skull
Was ready to unfold at the first
Subjugation of the royal white
On the same day, blackened by fumes
The heavens seem to be the ceiling
Of a collapsing cathedral, bleeding
And the fumes of the burning steeples
Opened in the celestial blue
The way of another fume
Blacker, heavier, and the blue
Has become black, too
So the horrified people
Hasten to the burning steeples
The brave behold whilst crying
Like the remnants of a defeated army
And the madmen stay aside
Grinning and humming: Blasphemy
And the tricolor of madness was sheltering
The conquerors!
Part One:
This is a world blessed by the victims of carnal tragedy
The humans ritual of love and adoration dense-waven history
Sentiments decide existance, the artwork that I've bled
Bizarre she defined her presence
With the lament of the undead
When her eyes have bathed in danger
And the moon had new design
In the cradle of our desire all the blood has turned to wine
But the love no longer remained than just a stir to survive
In this labyrinth of perfidity for my mistress to recover
I'll forever strive...
Part Two:
Dem Sterbenden - die Hoffnung, dem Propheten - der Fluch
Der Liebe - die Dichtung, die dem Sterben entsprung...
The night is crystal clear - words are sent from pictures
Sounds that I can't hear - as weakness wins my body
Selling cheap my soul - and its bleeding heart
Eclipsing the whole - planet, history and light...
Part Three:
Sometimes, when the sun hides in the back of the earth
When the hungry souls, to whom pain gave birth
Embalm their coldness with the blood's warmth... then
I can clearly hear the calling of a lonely and distant star
In the shade of the abhorrent
Yet in the still of the nights - In the still of the moment
When the moment dies - There she gently approaches
With the new meaning of life...
In a haze of hazard, in the withering chill
Baleful's the passion, when hearts stand still
A flood of sentiments entwined - Rattle thru my falling soul
I slumber against the spirit of time
Like a stranger in a foreign world!
In a park, along the alleys, stained with blood and tears
In the hour, when dusk disperses
Its colors on the white statues
Then I'll wander as a phantom of the posthumous regrets
And my fiery lips I'll freeze
With the kiss of these unrivalled statues
"Si-n asta noapte sfirsese printr-un sarut
Poeme - agonizate de-un infinit si-un inceput"
Part Four:
"The all-engulfing dawn of habitude shows his claws again-
Do you still remember our oath? - Til light do us part!?"
Come forth, Feline - Mere moment of melancholy
Drink deep of my desire - The quenchless fire
That unites our tameless embers...
Come forth, Feline - Tortured by our final duet
Let thy pale fingers slide on the petals of the flowers
That thee stained with mortal, coagulated blood...
On the walls, midnight closes even the stoical eyes
Of the unsleeping portraits
And the white-eye of a lonely candle falls asleep
Into its own startling solitude...
Part Five:
Silent heart desires
The balm that drives away the human waste
Oh come, infidel duchess
Shrouds of frost fall furiusly down... of thee I taste again
Deciphering eternity of its ruined scripts
Of the tenebrious river I pleasantly sip
Upon lifeless leaves autumn has banished
Arises my lovelorn aura's odyssey
"Un ornic cu rostiri funebre, suna amiaza-ndirjit
Iar ceru-nprastia tenebre, peste parcul amortit"
...Returned into that park as a whole
Under the questioning eyes of stars and heavens
Dreaming away on the lost love I've recovered
Death suddenly rises - Annoyed that he couldn't save me
He turns pale from envy
The seasons vanish and so does this story
As the same poets hand raises the pen
He pictured this spectacle with...
The actors fade on the dreary alleys of that elder park
Only two nightshades remaining -
Celebrating the sunset of ages while their sullen laughter
Lustfully haunts the mortal seeds of ruin...
Nights were crystal clear - words were sent from pictures
The color have seared - these pages, whereas
The darkest hour revealed - the mysterious hand
Which dutifully sealed
This episode's arcane end.
Come to my bossom, at night
I'd like to tuck you in
To show you my devotion
I'd live your fright
I wanna be the infamy - I wanna wound your caprice
I need to try your malice - My dark, poetic extasy
I'd like to lick your beauty
I'd wish to scar your sweetened wounds
To reap your rotten fruits
Your loving gotta suit me
Oh, let me be the one - Who will you free
See how love unveils her - Incomparable mystery
I wanna feel your hungry skin
I wanna touch the sacrificed
To make you the holy praised
Whore... of my radiant sin
I wanna see you sacrificed
I wanna be your wet skin
To share with you the greatest sin
My angelic, capricious whore!
I'd wish to ruin death and violate... life
Together stay on a heavenly day
My dark, sinister angel
How sweet it must have been
To be your hungry, velvet skin
To both rejoice in thrilling dreams
I need your loving as I need to be
Did we see our other face
How it'd ghastly fall from grace
Well, I was the dead you played with
And you... the angel I raped
"Darling, you used to suck dry me creed
Spit out my seed... I used to play and win
I adored you struggling, idolized your everything
But honey, guess, I've always been...
Loving you...
Ach, Nacht, wie lieb du mir wärest
Wenn du die Sterne auslöschen würdest
Ihre Strahlen murmeln unbekannte Gesänge...
Und ich wünsche mir alles Düstere und Stumme
Alles Entblößte und Verschwommene
All das Finstere liebend - Meine Aura verängstigte
Als ein blinder Gedanke knabberte an Raum und Zeit
Oh Seele, wanderndes Gebein, meinen Frieden du erbittest
Ich lege mich nieder, erfrischendes Dunkel
Von schweren Todesträumen durchdrungen
Und wickle mich in deinen Schleier
Mit meinen Gedanken trotze ich allem, was Sie Gott nennen
Ach, du Mörder der Kunst, du falsche Lebensweisheit
Aus meinem atheistischen Glauben wirst Du gewiß sie nimmer rauben
Die entweihte Krone meiner wahren Unsterblichkeit
Ach Nacht, wie lieb du mir wärest
Wenn die Sterne du auslöschen würdest
Der Tumult der Existenz... fragwürdig, ungewöhnlich edel
Dein Schatten murmelt unbekannte Gesänge
Endlich, Nacht... steck deine schwarze Flagge in meinen stummen Schädel
In deinem teuflischen Blick - ein düsteres Paradies
Von tiefer, eingeschlafener Dunkelheit
Oh göttliche Vorstellung, die ich oft pries
Verstummter Jammer eines sanften Lächelns
Meine Seele geht verloren im nostalgischen Inferno
Visionen des Todes - meiner Selbstverschwendung
Die Nacht wacht über die Ikone der Geburt im Chaos
Ich wußte nichts von ihrer Existenz
Nichts, bis sie mich anlächelte
Ach Nacht, wie lieb du mir wärest
Mit deinem milden Weinen
Wenn Sterne die bittere Vergiftung auslöschen würden
Welche dieses abstrakte Leben in mich hineinpumpt
Wie der erste Schmerz, jedoch trist und still
Ist der Leichnam, der sich aus meinem Inneren davonschleicht
Hinein in die Nacht des Unwesens...
Cînd lumea se preschimbã-ntr-o umedã-nchisoare
În care-n van speranta, biet liliac se zbate
Lovindu-se de ziduri, cu-aripi sovãttoare
Si dînd mereu cu capu'-n tavanele surpate
Deodatã, mînioase, prind clopote sã sarã
Si catre cer urlã-ngrozitoare
Lungi si nesfîrsite convoaie mortuare
Încet si fãrã muzici prin suflet trec mereu...
M-ati sfintit cu roua suferintii
Si mi-ati pus venin în sînge
Iar speranta-nvinsã plînge
Ca sufletul meu
Si muta-i gura-dulce a altor vremi
Cind timpul creste-n urma mea
Iar eu mã-ntunec!
E-o orã grea si mare
Ariple-mi negre în ceruri se-ntind
Astfel lume amuteste la-ntunecãri solare
Astfel mare amuteste vulcane cînd s-aprind...
Cînd prin a vietii visuri ostiri de nori apar
A mortii umbrã slaba cu coasa si topor
Taceti! cumtac în spaimã, crestinii din popor
Cînd evul asfinteste si dumnezeii mor!
Se mistuie-n moarte si durere
Vãpaia care-n mine a stralucit
Ciutata întristare ce creste ca sie marea
Pe-un tãrm stincos, pustiu...
Peste flãcãri, peste fumuri, pe cadavre descãrnate
Pe cîmpii deserte, pe altare profanate
Vino, s-asezi pe ele tronul tãu de oseminte
Înalta-te în culinea fumegîndelor morminte1
Cãci eu nu mã las înrobit de tine,
"Geweiht mit dem Tau des Leidens"
Wenn die Welt sich in ein feuchtes Gefängnis verwandelt
In dem die Hoffnung, zappelnde Fledermaus,
Hilflos gegen Wände und Decken prallt,
Mit schwankenden Flügelschlägen...
Dann auf einmal beginnen Glocken
Markerschütternd zum betäubten Himmel zu läuten
Und unendliche Leichenkonvois marschieren...
Langsam und leise durch die Seele, ununterbrochen...
Ihr habt mich mit dem Tau des Leidens geweiht
Und im Blut versklavt
Und die Hoffnung, bezwungen, weint,
Ebenso wie meine Seele
Stumm ist der süße Mund der andersvergehenden Zeiten
Die Leere wächst hinter meinem Rücken und verdunkelt mich
Es ist eine große, düstere Stunde
Meine schwarzen Flügel erstrecken sich zum Himmel
So, wie eine Welt bei Sonnenfinsternis verstummt
So, wie ein Meer Vulkane erlischen läßt
Wenn durch die Träume des Lebens
Armeen von Wolken erscheinen
Schweigend mit den schwachen Schatten des Todes...
Dann schweigt! So wie das Christentum voller Entsetzen,
Wenn eine neue Ära zum Leben erwacht und die Götter sterben.
Tod und Schmerz ersticken den Funken,
Der in mir so lange glänzte.
Eigenartig ist die Tristesse, die wie das Meer anwächst,
auch einem felsenreichen und verlassenen Ufer
Über Flammen, über Rauch, über entfleischten Leichen
Auf verlassenen Ebenen, auf entweihtem Altar
Komm und richte den Thron aus Deinem Knochen
Komm und flieg auf den Gipfel der rauchigen Gräber...
Cãci eu nu mã las înrobit de tine, Crestine!
When dusk is the most solemn
When clouds do shine bright
Melancholic them I sight
And remain with a mournful eye
Sadly staying, is it maybe
My verse that weeps so mild
Like a storm on oceans far
A sign of a sooner death?
With autumn approaching
Could I be the leaf carried by winds
And finally falling down
Already being forgotten?
When dusk breeds utmost
When clouds do shine bright
Melancholic them I sight
My eyes bitterness host
When dusk is the most solemn
Oceans mirror in the moonlore
Splenetic and lonely shore
My heart sad anthems hosts
Alone with my shadows I've come
To sing the twilight's hymn every time
A new day dawns onto a place most desirable
Grateful disembodiment pierce some holes into our horizon of perception
which new imaginations could penetrate thru...
Our dreams will shine like thunder
On a senseless rainy day
Wrapped in the dank breathing
Of both nature and man
The stars look all too near
The senses lie so far
But it's not the way we fear
It's more the thing we are
The stars look all too near
The seasons, oh, so dark
It's not the way we fear
It's more the way we are
Didn't pain prove life
With its reasons all hallowed
Didn't fight prove darkness
With its shadows eclipsed?
...und die Maschine der Welt kehrt zurück...
Auspressend den Lebenssaft aus meinen Knochen
Bin erneut Vergangenheit, ohne Herz, trist und kalt
Die tote Zeit legt ihren kalten Körper auf meine feuchte Haut
...und wird zur Ewigkeit...
Didn't pain prove life
With its reasons all hallowed
Didn't light prove darkness
With its shadows eclipsed
Alone with my shadow I'm gone
Still I hear the twilight's hymn everytime
Life continues its sculptures
Like poetry without rhyme!
Random raining, ribbons of melancholy
The moment dies right here, before me
Grey horizons tarred to my days
The curtain fell, still the solitary plays
Dance with me, my dear
The dance of those, who'll never return
Bleeding traces left behind, for the living
Hear life forging with death
It's a gorgeous storm unfurling
I've awaited for so long
Now you taste like honey, dear,
On my rigid tongue
It's soothing as you delve
Into my crescent agony
Your lips of tragedy licking my requiem
I am betrayed by your kiss...
"Would you bleed for me again,
For I adore its pounding
On your existing, oh, my darling, see
I am the architect of this bitter-sweet abstract"
A key, a door, a vision, remnants of a dream
Corridor of conclusions thru wide ribbons seen
Like a statue starring with the same cold eyes
Honey, kill me again, for know now what I am
Lay down with me, my dear
Listen to this requiem, you always loved to hear
Through you knew the words, you sang them wrong
Blood began to clog
Still in the rain,
Some things can't be remembered
And some are harder to forget...