(music by bartsch/matton - january 93)
(poems by bartsch - december 92)
When the dark lord told me to live
I felt the raised lust of possession
afterwards the death yell of an impaled nine-eye
gotten through my dutiful ears
i had to think of all the lost creatures
which strived of their existence
in the streaming of my black blood
nocturnal shadows, which glorified
the resurrection like trumpets
offered me the right way into hopelessness
enlighten my path into inaccessible licence
but though a blessed aspiration after mercy
fled from the eternal solitude
and discovered the deliverance
with the beauty of a rotten insect.
(music by bartsch - november 93)
(poems by bartsch - october 93)
In coldness of my dark bowel
a yell after mercilessness
bequeaths a trace of eternal destruction
to my decency
Uneven throbbing shadowfire
streams with raised melancholy
through twisted channels
of my forbode grief
In the black storms
of my mental agony
the deliverance ripens
in form of a godless dusk
The faceless ancient
grasps with stony miming
into the cradle of mercy
and severs the blood stained flag
But still it seems to me
that the lightbringer
spreads a shining shroud
over the shadow being
of an owl which died in chains
As the rock in me bursts asunder
the round dance of the colouring
grows up in my twilight
(music by bartsch/matton - march 93)
(poems by bartsch - february 93)
Black hopelessness
venoms the hidden unholiness
of your withered virgin
speechless remonstration
grinds the arches
of your risen dominion
dark superstition
drinks coagulated blood
of your blasphemic lust
the age of the glorified god
yields to a cold endlessness
which, with vivid stiffness
awaits my resignation
the second coming
the faceless lash
in the unholiness
of my destination
(music by matton - december 92)
(poems by bartsch - november 92)
The banished sorrow
buried in aurora
causes lifeless emotion
in the flame of my faded heart
If dead life immerses in dawn
and the shade of my schism
is to be lost into brightened
death will be the only redemption
(music by bartsch/matton - may 92)
(poems by classen - may 92)
(music by matton - september 93)
(poems by bartsch - september 93)
The night grows pale
as with faint wing stroke
the cradle of decay
emerges from the ruins of reason
the roaring silence
sinks under the new trial
which escapes with speechless ardor
into decline
i tasted the morning dew
on a withered leaf
and forgot the acrimonious unrest
which awoke during the moon-shine
coz' only me is the frame and the blood
and i open your door into autumn
(music by matton - september 92)
(poems by bartsch - october 92)
Desire's my saying
Final's my appearance
Care-worn's my glance
Apathetic's my devotion
through yearning rises
out of deep dark chasm
up to deceased brightness
with the original power of life
a black feathered bird
trips softly in the surge
a last sunbeam illuminates
in a bleeden darkness
(music by matton - december 93)
(poems by bartsch - november 93)
Durch unglückselige Weiten
einer unbefleckten Sonnenferne
schreitet langsamen Fußes
das letzte Sakrament, bereit,
die Tür zu öffnen,
welche das Vergessen
in seiner glorreichen Allwissenheit
meiner sterblichen Leere offenbart
Es ist nicht die Asche
welche auf mein Haupt regnet
es ist viel mehr
die gekreuzigte Verdammnis
welche der Wiederkehr
meiner filigranen Unrast entsagt
Hoch am dämmrigen Firmament
erklimmt meine Geduld
die Versagung meiner frühen Sühne
Denn ich bin das Geleit
der erhabene Schönheit
des Todes.
(english translation)
(music by matton - december 93)
(poems by bartsch - november 93)
Through wretched vastness
of an unstained sun-distance
the last sacrament
strides slowly, willing,
to open the door,
which the forgetting reveals
in its glorious omniscence
of my mortal emptiness
It is not the ashes
that rain upon my head
it is rather
the crucified damnation
that denies the return
of my filigrane restlessness
High against the dim firmament
my patience climbs upon
the failure of my early retribution
For I am the guard
of the exalted beauty
of death.