Saturday 21st August

It's the weekend. I'm glad I didn't sign up to go on any excursions this weekend-

1. I got a lie-in this morning and recovered from the effects of jet-lag from changing to sleeping 12-7CET instead of 3(or even 5)-11CET and also recovered from going out 3 times in a week!

2. I get time to sort out stuff like courses, computers and stuff. That said, it seems to be raining quite hard, so the computer stuff may have to wait until it's drier...

3. I'm probably saving money- I need to figure out how much I've spent this week, 'cos I've got a limited amount of cash until my bank account opens next week and my phat pocket has been getting steadily thinner as the week has gone on. Hopefully the spending will calm down when I've settled in.

Went shopping at H&M yesterday. Swedish men are clearly generally a lot taller than me- couldn't find anything with a leg shorter than 32"...that's about 4" too long, really, so I'll have to figure a way around this. I don't want to become "turn-up boy" but I don't really know how to tailor jeans and if I did, I don't have the means here. I also only have 3 pairs of trousers with me, so the need is quite pressing- I can't really wait until I go home to buy some. Paulo, the Ozzie guy on my corridor is almost exactly the same proportions as me, though- maybe I'll go girlie and borrow some of his stuff. :S

Went to Hallands Nation last night (student union). Was ok. Nice pub thing with leather sofas and a pool table and reasonably priced beer (about £1.80 a bottle). There's a club thing in there, which seemed ok, but I was a bit too tired to get into it, so I left pretty early. Met loads more people yesterday-
Australia: Heidi and Vanessa
Canada: Harris
France: Sylvain and friend, Emmanuelle
Germany: Chrissie, Marie, Tobias and a few others
UK: Kimmy (Camden) and Natalia (Brixton)
Plus others I've probably forgotten. 1