Tuesday 24th August

Good, so I'm in the library, I've managed to check my mail in a meaningful way for the first time since I got here and I'm getting up to date with everyone else's lives.

The initial rush of activity of the first few days has now worn off and what will be routine for the next few weeks has settled in- up at "7" (although in reality it's closer to 8 after I've pressed "snooze" a few times), Swedish lessons in the morning, make a tit of myself, go to library, check emails and attend to any sundry tasks that need to be seen to before going out in the evening. Repeat.

I'm meeting more and more people and their names are becoming a blur to the point where I asked one person his name twice in a row last night... This trip is becoming an exercise in humility and self-esteem- I'm saying all kinds of stupid things, normally because I don't understand what's being said, and it's reminding me that I'm not God's gift to linguistics (although He patently has gifted me) and that even when I do make mistakes, God loves me and a lot of friends I've made are sticking by me... It's hard but quite theraputic. I expect to be a stronger person by the time I get home.

Having internet is very helpful- rather than getting submerged in a sea of foreign languages, I'm able to put what I'm doing in context- like being able to see the world going past out of a plane window, in a way.

If anyone wants to visit, I'd be glad to put you up- my room's nice n big (and pretty tidy at the moment) and it'd be nice to see a friendly face at the moment.

That is all. 1