Thanks for visiting The Indigo Files!

10/06/99 18:04:16
Name: Carrie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Dave Matthews Band Favorite Album: "Surfacing" Favorite Song: to many to name
Favorite Indigo Girl: Emily

Great site you have here! Please feel free to visit my page :)

08/07/99 04:05:32
Name: brenda My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Album: rites of passage
Favorite Song: can't pick just one!!!!!!

great site--i'll be back to see more!!

07/30/99 16:06:55
Name: Rebecca Piorkowski My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: Swapm Ophelia Favorite Song: Fugitive
Favorite Indigo Girl: Amy Ray

What a fantastic site!

07/24/99 16:19:37
Name: Michelle Clark My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: Shaming of the Sun Favorite Song: Shame On You
Favorite Indigo Girl: Emily Saliers

I just found this site a couple of days ago. I'm amazed at all of the facts I didn't know or the interviews I missed. Indigo Girls Rock!!

07/16/99 00:07:40
Name: Jen
My URL: Visit Me

Just thought I would stop in and say hey.... later cute fuzzy friend

06/28/99 03:53:13
Name: Annie Stoner My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: IG of course Favorite Album: 1200 curfews Favorite Song: Everything in its own time
Favorite Indigo Girl: Em

Great Page! so much info i could spend a whole day here!! wow-- great gob and its clear you spend a lot of time making this a great place to visit :)

06/12/99 15:58:46
Name: Hans Goes My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: Wrecking Ball-Emmylou Harris Favorite Song: Maria-Blondie
Favorite Indigo Girl: Both

Thank you very much for this site. Great. Keep me informed of the release of the new album. Do you know where I can buy some boots? Hansie

05/20/99 16:06:31
Name: DEBC My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: INDIGO GIRLS Favorite Album: ALL Favorite Song: BLOOD AND FIRE
Favorite Indigo Girl: EMILY


05/18/99 00:17:47
Name: jenny thorne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: IG Favorite Album: swampophelia Favorite Song: reunion
Favorite Indigo Girl: AMY!!!!!!!!!

i love your page... i come here for all the latest info and to see the new fun stuff...

05/08/99 12:36:45
Name: Beth My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Album: "stolen car" - beth orton
Favorite Song: "semi-charmed life" - third-eye blind

I love the indigo girls' song lyrics, and the music. i just love music, there's too much great stuff out there to have just one favourite song or band. :)

05/05/99 20:38:22
Name: meredith griffith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: duh... indigo girls :) Favorite Album: right now, Rites.... who knows what next week's will be. Favorite Song: love will come to you
Favorite Indigo Girl: amy (M, W, Tr, Sa)... Emily (T, F, Su)

I feel that my words could not do any justice to how I really feel about the Girls. But here's a stab: They have been an integral part of my life for many years, dating back to the Little 5 Points era. An enormously large part of my life has been affect d by their music, actions, and wisdom. For that, I am eternally grateful.

04/24/99 21:17:45
Name: mel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: the indigo girls, of course Favorite Album: swamp ophelia Favorite Song: the wood song, dead man's hill
Favorite Indigo Girl: emily

awesome page! the pictures are really great.

04/12/99 01:39:44
Name: jstme My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Band: guess ; )
Favorite Song: Can't possibly pick just one Favorite Indigo Girl: why, Amy Ray of course

Hey tree...very clever. Be good : )

Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 00:40:19

Je pense que votre emplacement est intéressant. Je l'ai trouvépar accident tout en surfant GeoCities. Combien de mois avez-vous employé GeoCities? Bonne Chance!>

03/16/99 19:22:17
Name: Jen My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Band: NKOTB Favorite Album: Hangin' Tough
Favorite Song: The Right Stuff Favorite Indigo Girl: Who??

he he he just thought I would stop in and say hi!! Later cute fuzzy bear cub friend!

02/27/99 03:32:49
Name: Annie Gosselin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Melissa Etheridge, the Girls Favorite Album: 1200 Curfews Favorite Song: Fugitive
Favorite Indigo Girl: Amy

I love the IG!! Great web site!!

02/04/99 22:32:59
Name: Jen
My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Indigo Girl: AMY!!!

heya my cute fuzzy bear cub friend...thought I would stop by.... :-)

02/01/99 22:18:25
Name: valerie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: indigo girls Favorite Album: ALL og the IG's Favorite Song: mystery
Favorite Indigo Girl: emily

Thanks for a great IG site....I love the girls and thre inspiration they give to so many!

01/03/99 21:18:04
Name: Heather N. Graham My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: 1200 Curfews Favorite Song: Pushing needle too far
Favorite Indigo Girl: Amy Ray

Amy and Emily, you girls are the best in Women's Rock. KEEP ROCKING!!!!! Daemon Records kicks ass.

12/30/98 22:06:10
Name: Teresa Lang My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: Love them all Favorite Song: Again hard to specify
Favorite Indigo Girl: Both real cool

We have heard of them in England, I found the songs inspiring and it meant so much to actually hear songs with great meanings.Now I am staying in Canada I hope to see them. After many stresses of life its nice to have decent music!!!Well done Amy and Emily

12/21/98 05:32:34
Name: Ally My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Hmm...let me think, maybe the INDIGO GIRLS!!!! Favorite Album: Swamp Ophelia Favorite Song: Least Complicated
Favorite Indigo Girl: Love 'em both like cherry pie :)

This web site ROCKS!!!! Keep up the good work!

12/21/98 03:47:53
Name: Angie Martin
My URL: Visit Me


12/20/98 14:01:18
Name: laura My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: indigo girls Favorite Album: can't choose just one Favorite Song: today it's nashville, tomorrow, who can say?
Favorite Indigo Girl: amyamyamyamyamyamy


12/20/98 10:43:32
Name: IndigoKaJ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: All of them Favorite Song: Love's Recovery
Favorite Indigo Girl: Both

Amy is so intense and has great charisma and Emily is so poetic and opens a window deep into her soul. Love's Recovery is the song that my girlfriend and I relate to as "our song". :-) Kim

12/10/98 20:24:53
Name: Canoe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Hanson Favorite Album: Thriller Favorite Song: You Light Up my Life
Favorite Indigo Girl: The dark brooding one

Hey Treester!!

12/09/98 20:58:47
Name: La la la la la la My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Band: DUH Favorite Album: Swamp Ophelia
Favorite Song: Cedar tree *wink* Favorite Indigo Girl: DUH

thought I'd pay a little visit to your page....I love the Christmas page...but you already knew that!!! later!!

12/04/98 17:44:33
Name: Grrrrrrrrrrr My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Band: IG Favorite Album: Swamp Ophelia
Favorite Song: ???? Favorite Indigo Girl: AMY`

hello....just thought I'd say hi....*wink*

12/02/98 01:59:04
Name: Mara My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: INDIGO GIRLS Favorite Album: RITES OF PASSAGE Favorite Song: Love will come to you
Favorite Indigo Girl: I love them both

Hooray for the girls!! How could you just pick on favorite song? I have a million of them....

12/01/98 17:23:18
Name: IGlover My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls of course Favorite Album: it changes from day to day Favorite Song: so does my favorite song :)
Favorite Indigo Girl: Amy

Hey, I'm a 19 year old student from chicago who just loves the indigo this me anyone that wants to chat :)

11/26/98 07:23:40
Name: Megan Muzychka My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls(duhh) Favorite Album: 1200 Curfews Favorite Song: Ghost
Favorite Indigo Girl: BOTH!!

I am the biggest fan of the Indigo Girls and I am desperate to hear them play live. That has been a dream of mine. I am literally moved when I hear the two of them singing b/c I can feel what they were feeling when they sang the song. Their voices are eautiful and so is the music to accompany. I am going to learn how to play a guitar just so I can play some of my favorite IG songs!!

11/18/98 01:48:32
Name: shirley and diane My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: melissa etheridge and shania twain Favorite Album: yes i am and brave and crazy Favorite Song: i take you with me and keep it precious
Favorite Indigo Girl: none

hey treeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.........seeing your are also linked to ours......dont forget to email shirley your picture......keep up the good work!!

11/06/98 00:30:03
Name: Catseye & Skip
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey tree ... cats is a Dar Williams fan as well..thanx for visiting our page ..yours is great & where's ya piccy? catch ya around the room .. * kisses *

11/04/98 02:54:10
Name: rachel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: 1200 Curfews Favorite Song: Tangeled up in Blue
Favorite Indigo Girl: well, both of course, they each have different thing I admire

I love Indigo Girls I hope they come in concert to Utah soon!!! I love all of thier music. If anyone knows of any upcoming concerts E-MAIL ME!!!!!!!!

10/11/98 14:35:14
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

10/08/98 22:41:10
Name: Jen Lalalala My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Band: IG Favorite Album: Swamp Ophelia
Favorite Song: Don't Give That Girl A Gun Favorite Indigo Girl: AMY

Hi..stopped by, looked at some pics, thought I'd say hey! Catch ya later!

10/06/98 22:50:36
Name: Barb My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: Shaming of the Sun Favorite Song: Kind Friend
Favorite Indigo Girl: Amy Ray


10/06/98 16:17:49
Name: Canoe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: the girls Favorite Album: 1200 Curfews Favorite Song: can't pick
Favorite Indigo Girl: You have to ask?


10/05/98 22:00:03
Name: Poohtattoo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Indigo Girls Favorite Album: 1200 Curfews Favorite Song: Galileo
Favorite Indigo Girl: Emily Saliers


10/01/98 02:09:33
Name: Lance Whitley My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Band: Indigo Girls
Favorite Album: Indigo Girls Favorite Song: Left It Up To Me

I fell in love with the Indigo Girls in college(1989). My wife thinks I listen to them too much. My college roommate and I listen to them often.

09/10/98 20:50:08
Name: renee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: indigo girls Favorite Album: them All! Favorite Song: Southland in the Springtime, The Wood Song, Watershed...oh...that wasnt Plural?!??
Favorite Indigo Girl:!

Very seldom do you stumble upon a GREAT homepage! wow! you did a Great job! i've been searching (w/not much luck) for a great indigo girls i've Finally found it! Thanks! Keep up the good work! ;-)

08/31/98 21:20:28
Name: Carrie Samiec My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: my girls! Favorite Album: N*I*S Favorite Song: can't choose
Favorite Indigo Girl: can't choose, either!


08/08/98 03:24:45
Name: Tedo My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Band: Beatles Favorite Song: Yesterday
Favorite Indigo Girl: Amy

The page looks great! Waiting for more.

08/07/98 00:56:10
Name: jen :) My URL: Visit Me
Favorite Band: sarah mclaughlin Favorite Album: fumbling towards ecstasy
Favorite Song: possession Favorite Indigo Girl: the dark haired one

very nice page :) the indigo girls are cool i love water is wide.

08/02/98 11:16:56
Name: angel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Band: Melissa Etheridge Favorite Album: lot's of them Favorite Song: lot's of them
Favorite Indigo Girl:

Way to go tree! wow what a page, I hope one day I'll get this far with mine :-) to bad there aren't any baby pics of you lol hugs angel

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