As we use to be...
It's a funny story  how our band has evolved though the years, well.....
it's not so much funny as it is long.....
People who have played in the band though the years:

Melinda Hall - Vocals
Maria Mcglochlin   - Vocals
Kim Colefield - Vocals
Susan Goddard - Vocals
Dewey Pope - Drums
Bill Birlingham - Keyboard
Todd Hildreth - Keyboard
Mark Brown - Vocal, Keys
Robert Hogan - Drums
Jeff Ellis - Guitar
Jerry Calhoun- 
vocals,  Percussion, Sax
Andre Mapp (Miss Kitty) - Vocals
Jim Tyler - Drums
Mark Church - Guitar
Jeff Penn - Guitar
Harris Howard - Guitar
Butch Quire - Guitar
Mike Campbell - Guitar
Todd Dempsey - Guitar
Chip Feck - Percussion
Bobby Stone - Drums
Andrew Mapp - Drums
Geoff Springer- Guitar
Bill Lynch - Drums
Joey Wood - Drums
Lauren Roberts - Bass, Vocals
Greg Harrod - Bass