Welcome to Matt's little corner of the web.
Hi everyone, I'm just getting started on this website and as some of you know it takes a lot of time and work so it's not much really. At least not yet, but I plan to add a few more things here and there. I don't have a guest book so please feel free to send me an E-mail and let me know what you think. Thanks and enjoy.

Some day soon I'll have a page with information about me and what I do. (just in case anyone cares) That little graphic of a "Chap" will be the link to that page.
This is a link to a page I just made for my Boy Scout troop, it has announcements and a schedule, I plan to have a list of E-mail addresses of those in the troop who have and use E-mail.
This is a page that I'm working on that's about scouts right now it's mostly just links, but I think I'll soon be putting a copy of a log book that we put together as a crew when we were at Tinnerman (a canoe base in Canada).
I just started working on my music page today (1/14/99) so it's not much yet, but I plan to add more soon.
If you have any questions or comments please E-mail me.
Last updated 2/17/99