Hi! Been a few years since I've updated this site. I figured it was about time i added some new content. The sample CD project is slow going (as in: i havn't touched it in months) and I still don't have any music at the point where it's ready for the public to hear. If I know you, ask me nicely, I might let you hear some stuff. And the sad thing is several are already on the verge of being ready to mix down, so I don't know what the hold up is. Just lazy I guess.
SO I'm drunk and jobless on a Monday evening, though I'd gab about another project I've been poking at for awhile now. It's called DSQ and it's my attempt to make my own RPG style video game along the lines of Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy. And it's a hell of a lot of work, concidering I'm doing *everything* myself, including design, graphics, coding, graphics, story, graphics, graphics... fucking graphics. I'm not the greatest artist but it's coming along. Slowly. I'm hoping to catch someone out there's interrest enough that they'd be willing to contribute some artwork and help me get this ball rolling, cause once I get started on the actual game itself I should have the majority of it finished within a few months. (Hehe, me and my personal deadlines. If I were my own boss, I'd have fired me by now!)
The NEW Meatbox
My video game
The old home page
A screenshot of me mixing some vocals for a friend's band.
A review I wrote of my dbx 266xl compressor/gate
An article I wrote on field recording found sound using an minidisc recorder