<BGSOUND SRC="Smthelse.wav">


This Planet is for all my totally awesome friends... but I dont really know what I'm going to put here so until i actually have some good stuff to put here, its going to be... well we'll just see what happens. All i have so far is a picture album, and even that sucks because i dont have any pictures. But check it out anyways.

dum dee dum... i am hungry.
apple... or maybe strawberry coffee...

Picture Book

Song of the Week

Letters to the Webmaster

You Are the

Unfortunate person to stumble upon this site

Since I have nothing to put up yet i'm just going to talk. Because the page sucks anyways. So hows it going? Its the middle of the night. I dont feel like sleeping though... yeah. So whats your favourite tv show? tv sucks, in my opinion. It is just a time-sucker that wastes away precious minutes that could be spent... running down the street in your boxer shorts. I doubt anyone is actually looking at this page so I'm just going to write whatever I want... Um, cheese and pickles are really good. Well, I'm bored of talking to you now. go away.

mooooo mooooo

Okay I'm sick of copy and paste. now what? hmm...

drunk bug

thats a drunk bug

I feel like talking some more. what do you want to talk about? well i dont care. have you ever pondered the mysteries of earth? how does it just hang in space? wouldn't it go flying off somewhere? and did you know that we're upside down? but we're also right side up. because the earth keeps spinning. and who's to say the north is the top of the world? there is no top. because in space, there is no up and there is no down. so we are upside down, and right side up, and sideways. all at the same time. trippy huh? and have you ever considered that we are inside our bodies looking out? when you look at someone else, you dont really see them, you merely see a covering, or tent, and they are inside it looking out at you. you only know a person by their tent. and when this life is over we will leave our tents. and then we will be tentless. and we won't recognize each other, because we only recognize each other by our tents. cool huh? dont mind me i'm delirious right now.


an angel blowing bubbles

horoscopes are stupid. like they can predict who your compatible with... blah blah blah its all crap. by the way i'm a libra if anyone wants to know... hahaha

fat guy

Here is a fat guy. I do not know who it is but thats okay. Be cool like me and put the picture on your webpage... if you have one. Fat guy pictures are the new trend.

Well anyways i'm done here... thanks for putting up with my crap. i promise this site really will be good, but i have no idea what to put on it. so if you're one of my friends and you have an idea or you want to make fun of me for having such a crappy site, email me.

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