
(Scrolling Text)

Master-Duncs Master-Duncs

Always remember no matter how much you add to your E-mail page there are only 1 <html> at the top of your signature box and 1 </html> at the bottom of your signature box.

First you have to know how to put text and text color into your E-mail pages.

To do this just type the code like this:

<font size="+3"><font color="blue">
Type in whatever you would like it to say.

And this is what you will get!!!!!

You can change the text size by replacing the 3 with any number from 1-7.

To change the text color replace "blue" with any color you choose.

Now let`s have some fun.

Let`s put a scrolling text on your E-mail page.

It`s easy to do just type it like this:

<font size="+3"><font color="red">
Hey, look it works!!!

Hey, look it works!!!

You can replace "Hey, look it works!!!" with whatever you would like it to say. Also in place of "red" put whatever color looks good on your background. Also after your code is in place, close the code with </font>.

Let`s look at some other styles of scrolling text:

This one`s called Double Color Middle Marquee.

<table height=15 width=100%>
<font size="+3"><font color="blueviolet"> <marquee direction="left" width=100%>Master-Duncs </marquee></td><td><font size="+3" color="cyan"><marquee direction="right" width=100%>Master-Duncs</marquee>

Master-Duncs Master-Duncs

How would you like to have blinking text?

<font size="+3"><font color="orange"> <marquee scrollamount=500 scrolldelay=400> Master-Duncs E-mail Workshop </marquee>

Master-Duncs E-mail Workshop

Want to see your text bounce?

<font size=+3><font color="springgreen"> <marquee behavior=alternate>
I`m bouncing my text!!!

I`m bouncing my text!!!

One thing to remember is that scrolling text can cause animated gifs to jump and jerk.

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