Name: Oscar Gardinlin
Background History: Oscar has always been a swaggering little upstart. In his younger years- he would have been Wulf and Bears breed. But he is growen up now- and gone nowhere. He is still slumming at bars- in the process of slowly drinking himself to death. He is a difficult person- headstrong, and still shameless about his faults. He's a bum, and would comfortably stretch out in the gutter to sleep. He shares a lot of Wulf's views on things- even though neither realises it- and has spent his life roaming from city to city like Wulf is determined to do- slumming from bar to bar. He met Mary that night in the bar- and left the next morning. To him, she was just one of the countless whores he's slept with for a night- that's his version of love, his version of woman. She was wiped from his mind the moment he stepped from the door. Unfortuantly, he didn't realise what he had done, and her family caught up with him eventualy. Marrying Mary wasen't the worst thing he could do- infact, it was a very good turn of events for him. You can only live as he lived for so long before you make a slip and wind up in jail, or at the very least flat on your face.
Clothes: Oscar should look, and hold himself, as if his entire body was made of decaying rot encased by the thin pink skin of a slim, goodlooking man. He wears the clothes of a cleaned up bum- supple dress shirt and undescribt dress pants. His hair is not parted- just brushed foreward, and it's a muddy color.
Role in Story: He's the love story- he's a growen up version of Wulf.
Suitable Actor: There are plently of senoir students in every school that posess that careless charm we're looking for. They stalk the halls, unperturbed of what others might think of them, and secretly laughing at everyone who might think them pathetic. Oscar must have this sympathetic side, a charming side, and he does, if you look for it. He must also carrys himself like he KNOWS he's carrying around an inside full of rot, however- because he does feel a large amount of guilt about what he is. He knows how bad he is- and knows just why he shouldn't be bad that way. He does not think he's a good person, he thinks he is just what he is- and resents himself for it. At the same time, he resents being pushed into the world of Mary- a proper household, clean towels, meal times, etc. He's accepted the way he is, and therefore thinks it perfectly reasonable for him to continue on in that fashion. The main interest for his character is in the fact that he is constantly pulled between wanting to change so that Mary will like him- and wanting to go on living his life as before. A good example of this is when he kisses Mary at the picnic- but doesn't want her to know he did it because of his pride in hating her. There are some requirments- if you're lucky, the actor should be able to play the banjo, or guitar- and he should be able to sing.

When Mary first stepped into the bar that fateful prom night- Oscar sees her as a delious treat...